11. Night Rides

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Art by @snuglar on Twitter


"Remember," Punz places a hand on her shoulder as he finishes lacing her dress. "Dawn tomorrow, or I'll be dead."

"Yeah, yeah," Y/N bats his hand away as she pulls out a dark blue, velvet cloak from the depths of her closet. "If anything Dad can blame me."

"Yeah like he would," Punz fastens the cloak around her neck and places the hood over her hair, brushing her Y/H/C hair underneath. "Just be careful."

"Awww, you care about my safety?" Y/N giggles as she twirls around, admiring the heavy cloak around her. "How cute."


Before Punz can argue, the heavy thud of someone landing on the balcony makes both their heads turn.

"What a terrible guard you have Princess," Dream slithers through the open curtains. He wraps one hand around Y/N's waist and pulls her against his chest, placing a silver dagger against her neck. "I guess you have to die now."

Punz chuckles as he notices Y/N resting her head against Dream, her eyes closed with a smile of contempt on her face.

"One piece Dream, one piece."

The assassin laughs and removes the dagger, slipping it into his pocket.

"Maybe I'll just kidnap the Princess, take her to a cottage in the woods, and live there." He rests both hands on Y/N's waist and whispers something into her ear which makes her smile.

"Whatever," Punz rolls his eyes but cracks a smile regardless as the two head toward the balcony. "Dawn tomorrow."

"Yeah yeah," Dream hoists Y/N onto the railing and climbs over the balcony. "Ready for the night of your life?"

Y/N nods and Dream smirks before he lets go, falling partially down the tower before grasping into the ivy vines, stopping him mid-fall. With the ground only a few feet below him, Dream carefully lowers himself to the ground.

"Alright, your turn," he calls up to Y/N who peers over the edge.

"What am I supposed to do?" she asks nervously, noting the distance between her and the ground.

"Jump," he holds out his arms. "I'll catch you."

Y/N hesitantly glances down at him before turning to face Punz who leans against the archway with an amused look.

"Your prince will catch you," he says.

Y/N looks down at Dream who stands just under the tower with his arms outstretched.

If I die, this is all my fault.

She steps onto the balcony's edge, the wind blowing her cloak around. With the wind whistling in her ears and her heart pounding, she jumps.

Y/N lets out a shriek as she plummets toward the ground, picking up speed with each second. The ground is rapidly approaching as she reaches out to grab the ivy before a pair of strong arms wrap around her.

"Try not to scream next time Princess," Dream whispers in her ear. She blushes as he doesn't let go, carrying her through the gate which is momentarily unguarded.

"Where are the guards?" she whispers. Dream laughs and nods toward two dark shapes off to the side. "I would have let them live, but they weren't as easily distracted."

He continues to carry her into the forest the dark trees soon obstruct any source of moonlight, leaving them in almost complete darkness.

"Dream?" Y/N whispers. She grasps onto his shoulders tightly.

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