8. Gardens and Moonlight

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Art by @justavona on Twitter

Dream POV

"Meet me in the garden," she says, her voice barely audible. "Out the back doors with the gold vines decorating them."

I nod and bow again. By the time I look up, she's gone.

I steal a glance back at the throne to see Punz and the King standing up, still deep in conversation.

Feeling eyes on me, I quickly scan the crowd and notice Schlatt staring directly at me. He seems to notice my eyes on him as he disappears quickly.

He's wary of me.

I make my way through the swirling gowns and chatter of the people, fighting to get toward the doors.

"Excuse me," I gently nudge past a couple who are dancing.

Finally, I make it to the large wooden doors. They have gold vines wrapped around them, including around the handles.

I place my hand on the gold handle and push down. The door opens and a blast of cool night air hits me.

My assassin instincts say that someone is watching me so I glance around again to find Punz staring directly at me.

The King continues talking and is turned the other way while Punz stares at me with his white mask.

Though I can't see his eyes, I can feel the questioning, warning look they hold.

I give him a knowing nod before ducking through the doorway, shutting the door behind me.

Away from the bright, loud party scene, I take a minute to appreciate the quiet, serene night.

"Isn't it nice?" I whip around to see Y/N sitting on a white marble bench in front of a small pond. A row of tall, dark green hedges surround us, shielding us from view.

"Indeed," I stride toward her, my footsteps pattering against the grass. "I can see why you like to be out here."

I sit on the bench beside her and place one hand on hers. I notice that her skin is cold so I pull her against my chest, resting my chin on her head.

She lets out a hum of satisfaction and rests her hands against my chest.

"So what'd you think of Schlatt?" I ask, knowing full well what the answer was.

Y/N's body wilts as she sighs.

"Worse than I thought. He is insufferable to talk to and even worse just to be around. He only talked about himself and how amazing I'd be in bed."

She sighs again.

"All I could smell was alcohol as we were dancing. He's probably drank half the alcohol at the party."

I let out a chuckle which makes her head bob up and down slightly.

"For the record," I lean down to press my lips against her ear. "I think you'd be stunning in bed. All for me."

I feel her body tremble against my grasp as I place a gentle kiss on her cheek.

"And do I smell like alcohol?"

She sits up and moves her face closer to mine.

With a smile, I suddenly exhale straight into her face.

She lets out a gasp and nearly falls backward into the pond but I manage to place both hands around her back, keeping her in place.

"Why would you do that?!" she whisper yells.

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