17. Arrested

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Art by @azriaann on Twitter

Dream POV

"Come on!" I bounce up and down its excitement while dragging Y/N along with me. "I can't wait to show you the plans I have—"

"Princess!" Y/N whips around to find a platoon of guards running for her. One of them grabs her arm and drags her back.

I lunge forward, fury gripping my veins but more hands grab onto me. I twist and struggle but the guards latch onto me.

I feel them force my hands behind my back and lock them together with chains. My shoulders slump as the weight of their chains tugs at my heart.

This can't be happening, we were so close.

Y/N stares at me wide eyed, the guards around her forming a protective wall between me and them.

"We must find the King," one of the guards behind me grits out. "See what he wants to do with this villain."

"The King is dead," a familiar voice sounds through the empty hallway. The guards fall silent as I hear the clicking of boots against stone grow louder and louder.


"It's King Punz now," the blond corrects, finally coming into my view. Sure enough, the gold crown is nestled on top of his golden hair.

"What?" One of the guards steps forward but Punz holds out a piece of paper.

"I left the King in his study after the attack," I feel his blue eyes on me and they widen with realization. "When I went back for him, I found him dead on the floor with this in hand."

Punz holds up a goblet and hands it to the guards.

"I suspect poison since what else would the infamous Mask want more than to assassinate the Kings of two powerful kingdoms?" His blue eyes become filled with anger as he turns them on me. "Well?"

"I didn't," I spit out, glancing over at Y/N who shakes her head with confusion.

"Liar," Punz snarls. He unfolds the paper and holds it out to the guard. "Anyways, I was on my way back up to the King when I found Schlatt dead in a nearby room. And according to this," he lets go of the parchment as the guard begins to read. "He named me as his heir if he and Schlatt were to die."


That can't be possible!

I glance at Y/N who looks heartbroken.

She loses her kingdom and me.

I glare at Punz who seems relatively calm given the situation. I strain against the chains but the guards hold firm.


"It's true," the first guards passes the parchment to another. "It's written in his Will, signed and everything."

"Where did you say you found the body?" Another guard questions. I smile as Punz holds himself very still for a few seconds.

Your story is about to fall apart.

"Down there, I think," he points at the hallway which we had just run from, exactly where Schlatt's corpse is probably rotting away.

Lucky guess.

I watch as a pair of guards run down the hall in the direction Punz mentioned.

"Anyways," the new King turns his gaze on me to which I simply glare back. "What happened here."

"The Mask," one of the guards speaks up as of my name is enough of an explanation. "We found him with the Princess. Likely planning to kill or kidnap her."

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