9. Bodyguard

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Art by @tofu_starch on Twitter

3rd Person Omniscient POV

Dream's black, gloved hands grasp onto the vines like so many times before. He hauls himself up the stone wall, grunting slightly at the strain on his muscles.

I'm coming Y/N.

Within minutes, her balcony comes into view and he pauses just below it, listening for sounds.

After he hears nothing, Dream swings his leg over the railing, landing with a quiet thump on the stone.

"Halt!" A harsh voice yells. In a panic, Dream's hand falls to his belt, and grabs a knife. He wields it in front of his face, the other hand reaching into his pocket to grab a second one.

A dark figure looms out from the shadows of the balcony, a silver dagger flashing in the moonlight.

The assassin lunges forward, swinging his blade at the person. They dodge aside, swiping at Dream with their own blade.

Dream grabs their wrist, forcing the blade out of their hand and leaning them over the balcony. He presses his knife against their neck, breathing heavily.

"Dream!" he lifts his head and meets Punz's bright blue eyes which are filled with fear. His hand closes tightly around Dream's hand which holds the knife.

"Sorry," the assassin retracts his knife and offers a hand to help his friend. "I didn't know it was you."

"And I assumed it was an assassin," Punz laughs awkwardly as he rubs the back of his neck. Dream hands him back his dagger which he pockets.

"I mean," Dream twirls in a circle, letting the dark cloak billow around him, exposing the array of weapons underneath. "That's what I am."

Punz chuckles as the tension eases, giving his friend a playful shove. 

"Dude I was so scared you were gonna get caught," he leans against the railing of the balcony, gazing off into the distance. "Like when you and Y/N were found alone in the garden," a breath of air escapes his lips. "God I thought they caught you guys having sex or something."

"I mean," Dream leans against the railing next to Punz, he raises his eyebrow with a smirk. "A bit longer and we might have been."

"Dream you have to be careful," Punz sighs. He turns his gaze past the village and market to the fields out in the distance where surely, somewhere, Sapnap and George are fast asleep. "I get I'm Y/N's personal guard now but I can't keep you guys a secret forever."

"Speaking of Y/N," the assassin turns his gaze to the pitch-black room behind the curtains. "Where is she?"

Punz chuckles as he begins to untie the drapes, holding them open for Dream.

"Right this way."

Dream ducks under the archway as Punz closes the curtain behind him, leaving him in complete darkness.

"Punz?" he takes a hesitant step forward, feeling a small bump of carpet under him. He stretches his hands out into the darkness and feels a hand brush against his for a brief second.

"One second."

There's the sound of scuffling before a plume of fire lights up Punz's face. He lifts the gold candle holder a bit higher to reveal his grin as he points behind Dream.

The blond turns around to see Y/N fast asleep on the bed. The covers are slightly off, exposing her shoulders and arms.

Dream gasps softly as he kneels beside the bed with Punz hovering close by, the candlelight flickering every now and then.

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