(13) Bargaining, Circumstance, and Returning

Start from the beginning

"MARI": "Not only did you kill me, kill your own SISTER... but you steal am innocent boys life from him too?" She raised her head up, looking down on him as her single, massive eye trembled in place. "How did I ever end up... with such a horrible little brother like you?"

Those words cut him... deep. Hearing his sister, HIS sister say that to him, and knowing deep down that she was right... It broke him. He wasn't even aware of it, but he was already stepping forward, slowly raising his hand out to her. She opened her hand more to him, darkness slowly spreading from her as RED HANDS began to slither towards him.

They began slowly grabbing his hand, going up his arm and pulling him towards her more and more, SUNNY slowly taking a step forward as he heard her talk once more.

MARI": "Don't you love me... little brother? Won't you make your big sister happy... and just-"

Abruptly, her eye dilated fist clenching as the RED HANDS vanished within a second. SUNNY was brought back to his senses, feeling a hand grab his arm and pull him back... it was MARI. Not this... CYCLOPS MARI, but his big sister.

MARI: "N-No!" She said pulling him closely, hugging him tightly and refusing to let go. "P-Please, wait!"

SUNNY didn't realize it, but while he was talking with CYCLOPS MARI, DEATH was still talking to him, but he was so deep in a trance that he didn't even realize it.

DEATH: "Oh- There he is! My my, you've got quite the imagination on you, young man! It's quite impressive honestly. But, as I've said, I must take your brother now, MARI SUZUKI, he was supposed to come with me some time ago, and-"

MARI: "And I told you to wait!!" She shouted back to him abruptly.

DEATH: "Oh my." It said in a mildly surprised tone.

MARI realized how loud she was and cleared her throat, hugging SUNNY tightly as she spoke in a more appropriate tone. "I-If... If you really are... DEATH, then... Why? Why do you want to take him?!"

She hugged him tightly, refusing to let go, her voice sounding less desperate and more sincere as she looked into his eye. "He... He just woke up. After so long, he- sniffle H-He's finally back." She began welling up with tears. "I can't... lose you again..."

She hugged him tightly, lightly sobbing into his shoulder and snapping him out of the trance he was in. The thoughts of all OTHER SUNNY said to him and the promise he made for MARI in the HOSPITAL. All these thoughts swelled inside him and, without thinking, he wrapped his arms around her tightly, a sigh of relief heard as MARI felt him embrace her.

She turned to DEATH and wiped her eyes before speaking up. "Please, don't take him, don't take my brother! He doesn't want to go, h-he hasn't even seen the others yet, our MOM hasnt seen him either! He j-just got his life back!"

DEATH turned to SUNNY as he wiped his eye. "Mmmmmm, I am sorry to day, MARI SUZUKI, but ultimately it is not up to you or me, but to him. I cannot take him forcefully, that would simply be evil." It looked around the ENDLESS FIELD. "And under normal circumstances, I would let him wander this FIELD until he decided on what to do, but he broken a very ironclad rule."

It walked towards them, making MARI hold her brother closer and behind her as DEATH kneeled down, looking at SUNNY.

DEATH: "He has gone back to his body and regained his life after passing on! Honestly, I'm not even quite sure how he's done it, but as DEATH itself, I must correct this and lead your brother to the other side." It straightened itself, standing tall above them. "And it is His responsibility to correct this wrongdoing, effective immediately!"

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