chapter 19

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But Adam didn’t listen to her. He and Harry seemed to be in a rivalry. They kept putting

roasted meat on Lamma’s plate. After a while, Lumma’s plate was full of roasted meat.

She couldn’t finish all the food on her plate.

Lumma thought Adam and Harry were very weird today. But she couldn’t tell the


Until Harry said proudly, “I have been taking care of Worm for more than 20 years. Our

deep relationship is as deep as the sea. Nobody can weaken it.”

Lumma almost choked when she heard Harry’s words.

Ruby and Harry were her childhood friends. They had a deep relationship with Lumma. Adam was her superior. There was no comparison between childhood friends and

superiors. It was so embarrassing to say it in front of Adam.

Lumma tugged Harry’s clothes secretly. Harry also realized that his words had gone too far. He immediately put food on Ruby’s plate. “Ruby, eat it.”

Ruby had been ignored for a long time. She snorted and said, “You finally remembered


The dinner was finished in an atmosphere filled with a strong smell of hostility.

After dinner, Lumma asked Harry to drive with Ruby. She walked to the side of the road.

with Adam. “Mr. Hills, if my friends offend you tonight, please don’t take it seriously.”

Adam looked at Lumma and said, “If you answer my question seriously, I won’t mind

their impoliteness.”

Lumma paused for a moment. “What’s the question?”

Adam didn’t mind repeating the question. “If you were my wife, would you forgive me?”

Lumma had already forgotten this question. She didn’t expect Adam to ask her again. She thought for a while before answering. “As for me, I probably wouldn’t forgive you. But the result depends on the specific reason of the matter.”

She said the result depended on the specific reason. Adam knew it was her tactful


He asked again, “I heard you talk about your husband today. He seems to be wrikkad to

you. But he doesn’t agree to get a divorce. What are your plans for the future

Lumma didn’t want to talk about her personal affairs with Adam. “Sorry, Mr. Hill. 1

don’t want to answer it. It is my private affairs.”

Adam smiled helplessly, “Why are you always vigilant toward me?”

Lumma shook her head. “No. You misunderstood. It’s good to separate personal affairs

from work.”

Adam thought, “She wants to separate personal affairs from work. It seems not easy for

me to enter her life.”

“Worm, let’s go.” Harry stopped the car and urged Lumma by hon king the hom

“Mr. Hills, see you tomorrow!” Lumma turned around and got into the car. After the door closed, she punched Harry and Ruby. “What are you doing today? Harry, do you

want me to be fired?”

Harry said sullenly, “I don’t know why. I feel that he has bad intentions for you. He

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