10. Misinterpretation

Start from the beginning

"I am," she sighed, "but I have to bear it because my ex-husband has full custody of my daughter and I can't seem to focus on anything." "Do you understand what that means?"

"I know!" I exclaimed. That is very sad. "I couldn't imagine how you were feeling." 

"While I was working for Mr. Bezos, I had a difficult time parenting her, and all the money went to bills and food, so it was difficult to keep up," she said, running her hand through her hair. "I fought hard for my daughter, but he fought even harder for her and took her away from me." "I'd have to kiss his a$$ just to see my daughter now."

"Listen to me; no one can ever take your place as her mother because you are and always will be." You must maintain your fortitude and let her be the one who inspires your faith. Even though you might need to ask him for permission to take your own daughter, do it for her. You can still call her and check on her.

"I really miss her now that I am not working the long hours that I used to work at Expansion Edge," she said with a nod.

"You'll be fine." and I will always be your moral support. "Your third shoulder to lean on."

"I really hope Athena gets what she deserves," she said with a smile.

"I believe in karma, and it will certainly drag her sassy face to the ground." Don't dwell on it too much. "Concentrate on uplifting yourself."

She said this, glancing at her phone to check the time. "I have work early in the morning." I appreciate the ice cream."


I took the bus to get home, and we went in separate directions. When I got home, I sat back down on the couch and cocked my head from left to right as my neck's sides hurt. I fumbled for the remote on the coffee table and turned on the television so I could watch a Netflix movie. Never Have I Ever's few seasons were something I was trying to watch, but work kept getting in the way.

"Devi how was your first day of school."

"I'll be honest, it was mixed. I got all the classes I wanted, prime locker location. Ben Gross is still a dick."

"Are we allowed to say dick now?"

"No one can say dick in this house."

The doorbell rang in the middle of my movie. I groaned because it couldn't have been my parents because they were on vacation in Germany and Soph was working the night shift. Blair stood casually with his hands in his pockets as I peered through the door hole.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't send you home," I said from the other side of the door.

"Because I spent all this time to see you, and I don't want to waste it."

When I opened the door, he laughed at the socks I was wearing. They had a few holes in them, and the words "hump me not" were imprinted on them. So humiliating.

"How come you didn't call?" "You can't just appear at my door like this."

"True," he said, "but I tried calling like 40 times, and you're not answering any of my calls."

"Shit!" "My phone was on silent." I slapped my palm against my face. "I'll make you a pot if you come inside." I took a step back from the door and let him in before closing it behind him.

"I don't smoke."

"I wasn't talking about that, silly," I laughed. "I was going to make some coffee because it's a cold night."

He looked around the room before returning his gaze to the television, saying, "You really have some strange movie tastes."

"And how did you find out?"

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