jealousy, jealousy

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romea codie johnston

romea codie johnston 16

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the fit

214 Royal Vista Lane, Tallahassee, FL 3230812:36 PM

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214 Royal Vista Lane,
Tallahassee, FL 32308
12:36 PM

"yo, tyler, talk to me," i whined, failing at every attempt to get my boyfriend's attention. the frustration was building up inside me.

tyler's face scrunched up, anger evident in his eyes. "what the fuck, mea? i can't believe you asked that chick fil a nigga what his favorite meal was??" he snapped, his voice dripping with irritation.

i tried to reason with him, my voice filled with concern. "come on, it was just a simple question. there is no need to go crazy on the nigga."

tyler's voice grew louder. "you don't get it, do you? ion need you talking to no random niggas romea"

feeling a mix of annoyance and affection, i planted kisses all over his face, hoping to lighten the mood. "chill... why you actin' all mad? can't i show love to my man?"

he scoffed, the mug still on his face. "acting all happy and shit like i won't smack both y'all asses."

his words irritated you more, pushing me further into irritation. i shrugged, stomping away, my steps heavy with frustration. "you making a big deal out of nothing. i'm gone."

"how the fuck am i mad over nothing, romea?" tyler's voice followed me, growing louder. "you out there smilin' in another man face!"

turning back, "all i did was ask for a suggestion and say thank you. am i not supposed to have manners now?"

his dismissive tone cut through the air. "nice gesture my ass. if it were me, you would've lost yo damn mind. so i ain't tryna hear it."

fed up with the argument, i made my way out of his room, seeking refuge in the peacefulness of the living room. i needed to distance myself from the negativity and protect my own sanity.

time passed, and as the day turned into evening, i heard tyler's voice calling my name. rolling my eyes, i reluctantly got up, trudging back into his room. his remorseful expression tugged at my heart.

"what do you want now?" i mumbled, keeping my guard up, unsure of his intentions.

he motioned for me to come closer, his voice filled with genuine regret. "come here, mea. i messed up, acting all jealous and shit. ion wanna lose you, bae. you the only one i want."

my heart softened, and i reached out, gently rubbing his cheek. "i understand, tyler," i whispered, my voice filled with love and forgiveness. i cupped his face, drawing him in for a tender kiss.

"i love you, romea. you know that, right?" he murmured, his voice vulnerable, seeking reassurance.

a smile played on my lips as i pecked his lips once more. "yeah, i know. i love you too," i replied, my words filled with sincerity.

in that moment, we both realized that love could conquer any argument or misunderstanding. we held each other tight, knowing that our bond was unbreakable. together, we vowed to learn from our mistakes, cherish our love, and build a future based on trust, understanding, and unwavering devotion.

and so, tyler and romea continued their journey, their love stronger than ever. they embraced the ups and downs of their relationship, knowing that their love could withstand any storm that came their way.

555 words.

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