Chapter 7: Kunikuzushi

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TW: language, mild gore

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"Wake up, bitch!"

You were violently shaken awake. You open your eyes, alarmed. Two fatui agents grabbed your arms and pulled you out of bed.

"Wait-" you started.

One of the agents twisted your left arm against your back. "Shut your mouth and keep walking."

Last night, you had let your guard down. You didn't have your sword with you. And you couldn't match upto these fatui agents in strength.

"Where's Scaramouche?" you dared to ask.

The other agent pulled your hair till your neck arched back and punched you right across your face. Instantly you broke a few teeth. Mouth full of blood, you kept quiet, as the two agents dragged you out of the ship.

Two more agents came forward and tied your hands in front of you. You were then blindfolded and gagged and mercilessly shoved into a cart. All this time when everything hurt, you mind went back again and again to Scaramouche. Did he leave you? Please archons let him not abandon you in this wretched place.

The cart ride was long and freezing cold. You could feel your bare fingers go blue. When the journey ended, the driver dumped you on the sidewalk like a sack of vegetables. You could feel a cut open in your forehead and warm blood trickle down from it. You were left at the sidewalk for sometime.

"Is this the one?" you heard a voice.

"Yeah. Lord Sixth's new companion." Someone replied. You realised they were talking about you.

You were again forced to walk a long distance. When they opened your blindfold, you looked around and saw that you were in a cage. The agents locked the cage door and started pushing it into a room. You fell down to the floor in the impact and stayed there. Why were you caged up? Your brain couldn't grasp any answers. Once inside the room, you saw many human sized glass cylinders lined up against all the four walls. In the centre was a cylinder noticeably larger than the rest and something was hanging inside of it. The fatui agents continued pushing the cage to the very corner of the room where the cage door aligned with another small door.

"That's your bathroom for your enjoyable stay," one of them pointed at the small door and laughed.

"Stop the ruckus!" A masked man with blue hair emerged from the shadows. "Out of the room, now!"

The agents scurried away, mumbling apologies. 

"Welcome," the blue haired man continued, "to Snezhnaya, y/n."

He looked dangerous. And insane. You were immediately scared of him.

"No response?" he continued. "Well I'll just introduce myself first. I'm Il Dottore. The second of the harbingers."

You were still incapable of forming words in your bloody mouth.

"Hm. If I'm not gonna get answers, I'll just continue with my work."

He walked to the large cylinder in the centre and turned on a switch. The cylinder lit up and revealed Scaramouche inside it. A million wires and cords sticking out of his back. He looked up at you and gave a half smile. "Hi again, y/n," he said as to your horror, Dottore opened the cylinder and ripped Scaramouche away from the wires. He fell down like a rag doll, bleeding from the gaping holes on his back where the wires had been attached.

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