Part 21

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I'm not good at expressing feeling I think I messed up this part little bit :)

Next morning//

You felt sharp pain on your neck as you hissed in your sleep. You hand reached towards your neck trying to find what causing your pain. You felt a face, you opened your eyes immediately finding your husband sucking your neck. You tried to move but he pressed his body against yours.

"Don't interrupt..let me do what I'm doing.." with that he moved toward your lips kissing your neck. Before he could you hit his nose with your forehead making him go backwards.


You stepped out of bed , went to the mirror and looked at your neck which had some few purple mark.

"What have you done??huh..?"
"Loved you.. didn't you liked it?" He said with a smirk.
"You don't have any right to do this"
"Yes I have.. only I have right on you" you did blushed a little inside but didn't shown it. "Y/n can you side your anger and be normal please" he again said.
"I can..but you have to fix and clear things. I don't like Soo Jin around you nor even when someone joins your name with her. Do something that I don't  feel insecure and I'll be normal" you said with a serious face.
"I will fix everything tonight, after tonight you don't have to feel insecure about Soo Jin and not even our realation"
"Ok I will be normal tonight then"
Tae gave a forced smile to you then went to washroom.

At office//

"Tae??" Soo jin knocked on his cabin's door
"Come in"
She went inside, tae looked up at her face , her eyes was puffed.
"Soo Jin did you cried.." he felt little sad as he thought all this things happening for him.
"Nah.. I'm ok."
"If you have time can we have lunch together?"
"Yeah sure.."

Soo Jin called her secretary and asked him to send their lunch. They sat on the couch, had their lunch talked about some business realated things.

"Umm.. taehyung.." Soo jin while chewing her food.
"I'm sorry..?"
"Sorry about what?"
"For me you are facing so many troubles.. maybe
Y/n is also mad at me.. I'm so sorry" she was playing victim card so that tae feel guilty.
"Don't say sorry.. it's ok. I will manage y/n. I should be sorry actually for me you and y/n are having hard time."

Seeing how he cares about her Soo Jin tightens her grip around the glass she was holding , accidentally little bit juice spilled on her dress.

"What are you doing Soo Jin.."
"My dress.."
"Wait.." tae takes out his handkerchief to give her but unknowingly the bracelet also fall, Soo Jin picks it immediately.

"What's this" she says while taking out the bracelet
"Wahhh it's so pretty.." she admirers the bracelet "from where did you get it? I really want to get one for me"
"You can't get same as this one.. I customized this for y/n.." he said rubbing back of his neck.
"Ohh.. I really wanted to get one for myself..but bad luck.." she sighs sadly.
"If you like it that much then you can keep it. I will get another one for y/n"
"Aww thank you so much tae" she gives him a side hug.
"What's your plan after lunch..?" She asked while wearing the bracelet.
"I have meeting with my lawyer.."
"Ok..then bye see you soon. And thanks for the bracelet" she smirks looking at the shining bracelet on her hand.
Time skipped to evening..

Y/n's eyes was set on the clock, checking the time again and again as he said he will clear everything tonight. She was also disturbed by now because of the distance between them. Soon she heard door bell, she checked time for one last time it was showing 8pm. Thinking it's non other than him she went to downstairs but to her surprise there was Soo Jin standing with a big luggage.

When you're his daughter's mummy..but not his wife Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ