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"Teachers pet!"

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"Teachers pet!"

Third person Pov

It was still late at night but David sat at his window and looked up at the night sky with sad eyes. He hated this whole messed up situation he was in and sure at first he wanted nothing more than to be with the other male but not like this. After analyzing everything he knew this wouldn't work.

There was the big fact he was still underage and sure they aren't that far apart in age but the fact Matthew was his teacher would definitely throw in some complications. Sure teachers being with their students when they get older happens but this whole thing was a mess and was much deeper than that.

He had been crushing on his teacher, had lost his virginity and now this situation. Then he thought about the fact Matthew had a baby on the way and that was probably his baby mother who was at his crib not to long ago. It was obvious Matthew didn't take him seriously and was just as if not more confused than he was.

David felt like he had been ripped off, taken advantage of and much more. He thought back to the many times he gave the older male heart eyes and did much more in class just to impress him. He was sadly just the lovesick teachers pet and Matthew must have known. David hated to admit it but it was kinda obvious.

Matthew must have picked up on his crush and taken advantage and is now gaslighting him sure they had that talk in the car where Matthew claimed it wasn't true but David didn't know what to believe anymore. "Im a mess" David says to himself before letting out a sigh.

Many could argue David wanted this and sure he had been crushing but he wanted to be with Matthew not whatever this situation is. He wishes he could go back to just being the innocent teachers pet he'd take that over this whole situation.

Only three more chapters

Hope ya'll enjoyed

Teachers pet (lil Mabu x dd osama)Where stories live. Discover now