"Okay, let me go shower real quick" While perrie went to go take a shower Leigh-Anne closed her laptop heading into the living room. 

"Jesy" She turned around looking at Leigh-Anne.

"Why do you have all of these toys out. Put them back unless you're using them please"

"But I'm using all of these mommy"

"You're not coloring or doing this puzzle." Leigh-Anne picked the items up putting them back into her storage container when she noticed what Jesy was playing with.

"Jesy" She sighed.

"Whats wrong?"

"I asked you not to play with your slime on the couch." 

Jesy scooped her slime off the couch taking it to the table. Leigh-Anne stared at the red stain on her white couch.

She sat down waiting for Perrie to come down. Which wasn't too long. She walked into the living room in a T-shirt and shorts sitting next to Leigh-Anne.

"Whats up?"

" You know how I told you that there are a lot more workers at LMX?"


"So that's good for business. But people are bringing their kids and little siblings. They figured that as long as they do their part and go to the accountant that it's okay to keep bringing non working people into my ring"

"I mean, they're not bothering anyone or disrupting right?"

"No, but It just makes me feel a way when I see young kids running around where their mothers and fathers are selling themselves to provide for them. I've been thinking alot about what you said and I want to help them."


"I am where I am because people helped me. I wonder if someone would've helped me earlier if I would still be with my mom . . ."

"Dont think about that Leigh" Perrie hugged her knowing that her biological mother was a very sensitive subject.

"I know but don't you think I would be with her"

"It depends, babe. But what about Amina, if what happened didn't happen you wouldn't have met Amina and what about you dad. Wouldn't have met him either."

"Yeah but i'm still curious about what she was like. And Sairah told me that we have an older sister and i didn't even know"

Perrie knew where this conversation was going to go so she tried to change the subject.

"So how can I help?"

"I was thinking, maybe a few days out of the week you can come teach a bit. I know you're a high school teacher, there are some teen-"

"Teenagers!? I hope you're not letting them work and they're just there with their family."

"No, I don't let anyone under the age of 23 work. But a lot of people have teenage siblings and children. Oh. Maybe you can do GED prep so they can have a chance at a normal job?"

"Since when did you care about normal jobs babe? Is something bothering you?"

"I don't know. But they have random strangers in their rooms having sex with them with their family in the rooms with them. That's disgusting. Normani started teaching a dance class to get the kids out of the rooms but I have to do something Perrie. It turns my stomach." Perrie could tell that it was really bothering Leigh-Anne so she agreed that on Tuesdays and Thursdays she would come teach the kids and their parents and/or siblings.

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