.𝐬𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬.

Start from the beginning

He had never prepared food for anyone else than him. He'd never slept on somebody else's couch. He had never left his home to keep someone else safe. He had never run on a cold night to look after someone.

Damien's gaze shifted from the termination paper to Evangeline, a mixture of emotions swirling within him. The weight of his role as her security service, his duty to protect her, clashed with the growing connection and sense of responsibility he felt toward her.

She retreated to her bathroom to prepare for their visit to the church, while Damien took the opportunity to complete his pending tasks. He responded to emails, made necessary phone calls, and tied up any loose ends, determined to clear his schedule so he could fully dedicate himself to supporting Evangeline.

"But you have a meeting with the Prime Minister this evening." Kai from the other end of the phone argued.

He paused for a minute. The meeting was important, he had to be present there. But he assured Kai he would return by then.

She emerged from her room wearing a somber black dress, her hair elegantly tied back. His gaze met Evangeline's, and he couldn't help but offer her a soft, reassuring smile.

"Shall we, Your Highness?"

She nodded and walked to him. With that, they made their way out of the house, stepping into the awaiting car. Damien's phone was tucked away, his focus now solely on accompanying Evangeline and providing her the support she needed.

As Evangeline entered the church, Damien stood outside, his gaze fixed on the doors that separated him from the sacred space within. A mix of emotions washed over him, triggering a flood of memories from his past. His hands clenched into fists, his knuckles turning white as he grappled with conflicting emotions. A part of him yearned to be by Evangeline's side, to offer her comfort and support as she prayed for her brother. But another part of him felt unworthy, trapped by the ghosts of his past, unable to step into the sanctuary of the church.

With a heavy sigh, Damien leaned against a nearby wall, his eyes fixed on the entrance. He wrestled with his inner demons, battling the fear and uncertainty that threatened to consume him.

As Evangeline finished her prayers and emerged from the church, her eyes fell upon Damien standing just outside the entrance. She noticed the tension in his posture and his deep breaths. Concern etched across her face, she hurried over to his side.

"D-Damien, what happened?" she asked, her voice filled with worry and compassion.

He turned to face her. "I... I couldn't go in," he admitted, his voice laced with a hint of regret.

She wanted to understand what was happening, to offer him support in return for the comfort he had provided her. Sensing his urgency, she took his hand without question, following his lead as he swiftly guided her back to the waiting car. Her concern deepened, but she trusted that Damien had a valid reason for his actions.

"Damien, what happened? Why couldn't you go inside?"

He did not answer, only giving her a silent treatment. He didn't know how to explain, he could never explain his troubles to anyone.

"I'm here, Damien." She rested a hand on his. "Just take a deep breath."

"It's complicated," He broke his silence. "I just couldn't go in."

She squeezed his hand, assuring him that she understood. Evangeline respected Damien's need for space and understanding, realizing that he may not be ready to share the details of his struggle just yet and she had to keep his kind off of what happened.

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