Shattered Soul - K.V

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You saw me broken, shattered like glass
a fragile soul burdened by pain's cruel grasp.
You witnessed my weakness, my spirit worn
in the depths of despair, a heart forlorn.

You saw me struggle, wrestling with strife
battling shadows that haunted my life.
In a dark place I dwelled, unfamiliar and grim
lost in the chaos, a soul growing dim.

My thoughts ran amok, a tempest untamed
overthinking consumed me, my mind inflamed.
The worries, the doubts, a relentless cascade
a mental labyrinth where clarity would fade.

Tears streamed down my cheeks, an endless flow
a torrential downpour, emotions on show.
They fell more than ever, an ocean of pain
a testament to the depths I couldn't restrain.

The desire to relapse lingered in my core
a haunting temptation, an insidious allure.
Yet, you remained steadfast, refusing to retreat
through the darkest storm, your hope was my feat.

You didn't turn away, you didn't let go
you stood by my side, my relentless hero.
With open arms, you extended your care
a lifeline of hope when I felt despair.

In your presence, a smile bloomed on my face
a glimmer of light in the somberest space.
You mended my heart, piece by delicate piece
infusing it with love, bringing sweet release.

But still, I fell short, unable to transcend
to become the person you longed to commend.
The weight of bad thoughts, a burden untamed
an internal battle, my spirit constrained.

The nights were relentless, tears staining my bed
sorrow engulfed me, my soul feeling shred.
I yearned for solace, for peace in the night
but the darkness persisted, devoid of respite.

Despite your efforts, I couldn't break free
from the grip of my demons, consuming me.
Relapse lingered, a constant presence in my mind
a relentless cycle that seemed impossible to unwind.

I apologize, my hero, for falling short
for failing to be the best I ought.
I couldn't offer you the version you sought
a better self, with the battles fought.

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