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I arrive at Han Gyeong's daughter's house, opting for a discreet cab ride to avoid raising any suspicions at home. Sumin opens the door with a heavyhearted expression, inviting me inside. As we settle down in a cozy corner, I can't help but notice the melancholic ambiance that hangs in the air.

"Y/n, thank you for being here," Sumin says, her voice laced with sadness. "Please, come in."

I offer her a sympathetic smile and follow her into the living room. The room feels somber, filled with memories and unspoken grief. Sitting beside Sumin, I take her hand in mine, a small gesture to convey my support.

"Sumin, I can feel the pain you're going through," I say softly. "Know that I'm here for you, ready to listen and stand by your side. Can you share more about your mother's job in the mansion?"

Sumin's eyes shimmer with tears as she reminisces about her mother's cherished occupation. Her voice quivers with a mix of pride and sorrow.

"My mother had a deep passion for gardening," Sumin begins, her voice carrying a hint of nostalgia. "She took care of the beautiful gardens in the Kim mansion, pouring her heart into it."

As Sumin continues, I can sense the profound connection her mother had with nature and the tranquility she created within the mansion's grounds. The gardens were a testament to Han Gyeong's love for the beauty of life.

Sumin takes a deep breath, her gaze clouded with both pain and confusion, as she recounts the events leading up to her mother's tragic demise.

"Just a few hours before my mother's lifeless body was discovered in the garden, she called me," Sumin reveals, her voice filled with a mix of anguish and longing. "She sounded worried, as if something was amiss within the mansion. She said she had urgent information to share but promised to call me back in a few minutes... and that call never came."

A heavy silence hangs in the room, the weight of the unfinished conversation lingering between us. I reach out for a notepad and pen, eager to jot down the intricate details Sumin is bravely revealing.

"Sumin, I deeply appreciate you confiding in me," I say, my voice filled with sincerity. "I want you to know that I'll do everything within my power to unravel the truth. We're in this together."

After absorbing all the information, I rise from my seat, preparing to depart. I express my gratitude to Sumin for sharing her story, assuring her that I'll leave no stone unturned in my quest for answers.

"Sumin, you're not alone in this," I assure her, offering a reassuring smile. "We'll get your mother justice, I promise you."

Sumin looks up at me, her eyes glistening with a mix of gratitude and hope.

"Thank you, Y/n," she whispers, her voice brimming with vulnerability. "I trust you to find out what happened to my mother and why she felt that something was awry within the mansion. Please, bring me my answers."


I briskly make my way towards the café where Jihun and I had planned to meet. The weight of the intense case involving Han Gyeong's mysterious death weighs heavily on my mind. As I enter the café, I spot Jihun already seated at a table, waiting for me. I offer her a warm smile as I approach.

"Hey, Jihun," I greet her, taking a seat across from her. "Thanks for meeting me. It means a lot."

Jihun returns my smile, her eyes filled with concern. "Of course, Y/n. You know I'm here for you, no matter what. How are you holding up after talking to Sumin?"

I hand her the notepad containing the detailed account of my conversation with Sumin, allowing her to absorb the gravity of the situation. Jihun's eyes scan the words, her expression shifting from curiosity to skepticism.

Silent Whispers | jjk & kth | ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora