26. Fragments of care

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After freshening up Taehyung ordered food for both of them...he barely had anything today and by the time food arrived his stomach was grumbling...as he got out from the kitchen after trying fried rice with kimchi and burning it in the process he put the pan in the sink. When he was exiting a faint noise of sobbing caught him off-guard , without him knowing he started walking to the direction of his own bedroom. He had asked Ahru to sleep in there and he thought she had been asleep because she looked very much tired.

As Taehyung entered in the bedroom after knocking so many times but getting no reply. He saw Ahru was sitting in the corner and he couldn't see what her expressions were .but mild moonlight illuminating the room give him a little access.

Her whole body was trembling and fuck, he really wanted to run and hug her so tight that she won't look that broken. her one hand pressed against the neckpiece like she wanted to remove it Taehyung noticed how her fingers trembled and it looked hurt.

"Justgetawayfrommeidontneedfakelove", she mumbled and her voice crocky.

She kept repeating the words to herself like a mantra, not paying any attention to the other person who just Entered in the room, not noticing how she said them out loud and how Taehyung furrowed his brows, worried and confused at the same time. He walked over her with slow steps...and kneeled down in front of her .

"I don't know what you don't want but let me help Ahru."he whispered hands reaching for her but he retracted them back immediately.

Ahru shook her head in frantic way and wishing Taehyung to go away that she didn't had any energy to pretend. She didn't wanted him to see her in this state.

"N-no ,i- I am o-ok-kay, I-I don't need anyone r-right now"she whispered like if she feared that if she spoke any louder, she would burst like glass, shaking like she was about to crumble under the pressure .

Taehyung 's heart was racing in fear, and he thought he had never been so afraid before.

She just needed a little time the neckpiece was on the verge of breaking...she was almost there to torn it apart from her body. Harsh actions on the neck causing so much pain but she didn't felt anything her heart was throbbing ...

She was almost there to break it apart as she tried to rip it off and wiping her tear frantically not wanting to show how she was holding her pride...just five minutes, five minutes to remove the thing she had been wearing for years...that mere piece of metal had so many hopes and memories with it but she ain't need it anymore.

Guilt of everything was heavy on her and she knew she didn't knew how to be free...

" You need someone Ru I know "

The sentence caused her to stop her action. She had always been strong enough. She knew she could be strong now but may be It was because of Taehyung... because he was here, because he saw her like this. it was because Taehyung knew she was not okay . Because Taehyung knew she needed someone .

Taehyung's presence threw her off, unbalancing her again just like on the road when she held his hand. Ahru stared at him blankly she noticed that Taehyung had kneeled down in front of her, avoiding his eyes.

'"Don't look at me. I'm pathetic".She uttered.

"Ahru, you can tell me what's bothering you ?"The sound of deep voice made her lift her head and her eyes met with Taehyung's dark who was looking straight at her. Strangly broken. Like he was hurting along with her.

"And stop it is hurting your neck " he added removing her hand from the neckpiece gently. She didn't knew she was still holding.

As Taehyung clasped his big, warm hands around her hand, her fingers relaxed slowly but she retracted back almost second later finding those giant hands familiar.

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