24. echoes of betrayal

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She parked her car somewhere and walked upto Chanyeol's house ....when she strolled, she understood why she couldn't visit him in this last 4 years because everything reminded her of him...

The one that leaves, hurts because of the absence of it all....The chair in the abandoned park he would sat on everyday and talk to her for hours. The small ice cream store they'd stop at when the two of them went for a walk after dinner. The amount of times they'd knock on the door before she got out of the washroom. The evening tea she had perfected over the time, which tasted sweeter with him...
even though he left but the memories were still fresh in her mind ....The one that's left her behind, hurted because it was all still the same....

The chair still sat tight in the park with no takers in the evening. The ice cream store was still open ...when she came by.

Ahru stood outside the house that she once shared with chanyeol for a short period of time. Shee remembered the promises that he had told and the hopes and dreams that they had, but at that moment, past things like that were dust to her because they were things that she hadn't thought of in this few days.

The door was shut and the silence was louder than the knocking.

Taking a heavy sigh, entering ,she noticed The dusty teapot still sat quiet on the top shelf, as she tried to take a look of house which was once her hideout, her safe place.

Sometimes she felt like the one that had to leave. Sometimes, she felt like the one that's left behind.

"Ahru there you are!" ....the female voice helped Ahru to break her from the trance...it was Reha ...who seemed to have attended a call before Ahru's arrival..."wait she would be here any time soon"She continued beckoning Ahru to take sit on the couch . His house still was the same ....fresh and clean....

"Who is coming today and at that Chan's house...?" Ahru asked while taking a sit And Reha seemed to be surprised for a second that Ahru even noticed something was fishy.

Then she just shook her head, trying to brush the question off. Like it was unimportant."you will know "she mumbled occupying chair next to her.

"Who and why?" Ahru insisted. She hated unanswered questioned.

"It's not like I don't want to tell you Ahru , that's why I called you here...I'm going to interrogate her in front of you ,," Reha finally answered.

"It's just that...." Ahru turned away, looking out the window..."It was nice even if he left but I have plenty of happy memories with him and I am afraid that those will no longer be a good one."

"Well, that is bound to happen...truth has tendency to reveal itself when we are not looking for it Ahru." Reha told her. "I know it's hard , Ahru but . You can't expect everything to be exactly the same....like we always wanted ..."

Ahru nodded. "I really can't," she glanced at Reha. And smiled sadly her eyes were loosing it's spark at her each word..

Short silence passed in between them in which Ahru looking outside of the window thinking and Reha waiting for that someone to show up


Silence was interrupted by a quiet voice ...

Reha's head turned immediately to the person behind the doctor, and seeing the person her expression changed from being concerned to professional , Ahru followed her gaze.

There, before her, stood her best friend, Taeyeon .... Looking at Ahru with eyes so wide and shocked, it looked like she just saw a ghost.

"Lee ahru," Taeyeon repeated breathlessly. "Oh my God... What are you doing here ??"

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