Chapter 16- But we know where it ends!

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"Aarushi?" Pratik whispered.

"Umm...this is the last word you said no? That was the only thing I understood and so I repeated." She chuckled.

"Yeah it was really good Pratik. Now tell us what you said." Shruti asked.

"Well that wasn't requested before.

Translation not available."

Everyone laughed. Pratik looked at Adya.

She was laughing, like everyone else. He smiled.


The atmosphere of laughter, decorations and music buzzed over the entire college. It was the day, when everyone was ready to dance and sing to their fullest. To showcase and explore their talents. To eat and drink like mad and much more.

"You are looking nice, Aarushi."

"Thanks Radha, you too are looking gorgeous."

"Thankyou, actually this dress was gifted by my brother with his first salary."

"Ohh, that's so awesome."

"I know right!"

The music played on the stage. The performers were giving their best and everyone around looked jolly.

Somewhere in the big crowd stood Aryan, having his phone in his hands, perhaps capturing some of the moments with his friends in it. He felt someone calling his name from the behind. He looked back and followed the voice.

"Hey, Aryan"

"Hey Kavya?"

"Umm...can I have your some time? I want to tell you something very important."


"Actually Aryan, I don't know how I am gonna say this but...."

"Yeah say?"

"I....I have a huge crush on you since the first day I saw you! I wanted to say this from so many days but I didn't have courage to do so. But....but I really like you, you are handsome, intelligent, friendly,  kind and witty, infact you have every quality that would make anyone fall for you. I know I am not upto your level, but give me a chance, I'll do it. Will you be mine, please?"

"Umm.." Aryan moved back.

"What happened? You don't like me?"

"Actually Kavya, it's not about my like or dislike. But we do not even know each other."

"I know, but we can give it a chance. We can know each other. I promise, I won't give you any regret."

"Its not about you Kavya, it will be about us both. You have seen me from distance, you do not know anything about me other than that. How I am as a person, how I react to different situations, what if after some time you do not like something about me? What if you start feeling like toxicity?

What if I start feeling like it? Since we both have never spent time with each other, we both have no idea about each other. And I don't want any of these hearts to break after a few days or months or years just because of any of these reasons. Don't go for my appearance or apparent qualities, you'll find one who will be for you with time."

"So your answer is no?"

"Umm yeah, it is no, I am sorry."

Kavya looked down. After a few seconds she again looked up at him.

"Can I ask you a question?"


"You love Aarushi?"

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