Chapter 11- Any Issues?

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“Hey Aryan.” Kavya greeted.

“Hey” he smiled as usual. Kavya noticed that though Aryan and Aarushi were working together, they never talked in college. In fact they hardly saw each other’s face.

“Aarushi, is there any issue between you and Aryan?”

“No, why?”

“No, like you people don’t even talk here? How will you perform together in the competition.”

“No there’s no such issues between us. Don’t worry.”

“Oh okay, so if you people have no issues and talk normally, can you please do me a favour?”


“Please ask him if he likes me too.” She blushed.

“Have you even had any proper talk with him except greetings?”

“Umm…no I guess.”

“Then how do you think he likes you?”

“ just tell him about me. Maybe he starts giving me more attention and eventually starts liking me.” She blushed.

“Okay okay.” Said Aarushi blankly to end the conversation.


Aarushi heard the knocking sound and opened the door. Aryan came in and took his seat without saying anything as usual. But after a few minutes, he noticed Aarushi was still standing near the door.

Her face showed a tensed look. Initially he ignored but seeing her pale and scared face, he finally spoke up,
“Umm….is there any problem?”

Seemed like Aarushi did not hear him.

He stood up and went near her.

“Hey! Aarushi?”

“Hey!”she said, softly.

“Any problem?”

“No, why?”

“You look tensed.”

“No, nothing of concern.”

“Umm…see if there is a-any problem, you can tell me.”

Aarushi looked at him.

“Actually, it has been four days since I, I mean we are preparing for the quiz. But I don’t feel confident enough to appear in it. Feels like I just don’t know anything.”

He looked at her in surprise.

“What happened Aryan?”

“Umm…nothing, I am just surprised.”


“You see, I was the one who used to be nervous before any event. And you used to calm me by saying that if we couldn’t do it, then no else could. You were the one who was always confident even before the maths exam and now you yourself are in doubt. How amazing!”

Aarushi looked down and gave a fake smile.

“Yeah how amazing no Aryan, when you were tensed, I was there calming you. But when I am, there’s just no one.”

“Umm…I didn’t mean that.”

Aarushi didn’t say anything.

Sensing that he had made the situation more complicated, he tried to calm Aarushi down.

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