Chapter 4- The session begins

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"Aarushi! Aarushi wake up."

"Five minutes more mom."

"Its already 9:30 Aarushi. You were supposed to reach at 8."

"What!" Aarushi got up suddenly and checked time.

"How did this happen! I had put five alarms."

"I am trying to wake you up since three hours but you kept sleeping. Leave it now, get ready and dad will drop you to college. Be quick!"

Aarushi got ready and reached college at about 10:30.

"I can't believe I am late again!"

"So you are again late? When will it stop Aarushi?"

Aarushi looked back. She was shocked seeing the tall person standing in front of her.


"You should know importance of time. How can you be always late Aarushi?"

"Is it you Aryan?"

"Of course, who other would it be ?"

"I-I still can't believe its you."

Aarushi walked back, away from him.

"Where are you going? Don't you love me?"

"I....I do. But you don't."

"If I did not love you, then would I be here today to see you?"

"What do you mean?"

"I am leaving for USA today. I came here to bid you farewell. But you are going away from me."

"No, don't leave me again please!" She ran and held his hands.

"Don't do it again Aryan."

"Leave my hands, leave. Goodbye."

He walked away.

"ARYAN! Aryan stop." she cried.

"AARYYAAN!" Aarushi woke up from her dream. Her loud scream woke Adya, who immediately turned on the lights. She saw her sister sitting scared and shocked.

"What happened Aarushi? Is everything alright?"

Aarushi did not answer.

"Was it again about Aryan?" She could now sense the situation.

"How more time Aarushi? It has been one and a half year. He has forgotten about you. Forget him, and, and stop dreaming about him every one day or another."

"That's not in my control no Ada." she sighed.

"Alright. Try to sleep."

"What's the time?"

"Its only 4. You still have much time to sleep." she switched of the light and went to sleep. Aarushi tried to sleep but she coudn't.

"So you are again late? When will you finally turn punctual?"
"Why should I be? When I have someone super punctual. And he'll always help me cope up with missed time."
"And what if I am not with you?"
"Quiet! Thats never gonna happen."
"Still, be on time next time." He rolled his eyes.
"Okay okay, smile now" He smiled. She smiled too. (Fb ends)

Tearfully, she took her phone and opened old chats between her and Aryan, which if not pinned, would be found at much low position. She scrolled to the top, reading old chats and smiled. Then she scrolled down and saw the messages which were never delivered to him. The smile changed again to sadness. She kept her phone aside and laid on bed again.

"Where did it go wrong, Aryan?"


At the college-

There was a great hustle and bustle all around. Aroma of happiness and excitement seemed to be spread all over. As she headed from the gate towards the class, Aarushi saw people happily talking, some gossiping, some planning for the bunk, some studying, some busy on phone unaware of the huge world around, some walking around with friends while some spending time with their partners.

She was nervous as well as excited at the same time. But seeing the happy atmosphere around, she felt very comfortable around and smiled, which was not as wide as used to be some years ago but still beautiful.

“We are feeling extremely honored to be standing in front of you all and welcoming everyone on your first day in this institute.  It gives us immense pleasure to inform that we have been imparting quality education since inception.

The development of a quality educational system largely lies on the committed members of the faculty, quality infrastructure, supportive administration, large pool of learning resources and last but not the least, hardworking and brilliant students.

We are highly encouraged to share that many of our students, who have emerged from our college with flying colours are now occupying higher positions in several renowned organisations both in India and abroad. They have succeeded in many respects and we are very certain that all the current students will also reach the same peak of success.

We heartily welcome all the fresher students to our college and ensure that we will do everything possible to equip you with the best possible teaching resources, practical exposure and training methods so that you are able to shape up your life and career for a challenging world out there.


The speech ended with a huge round of applause. Amist all the happy and excited students talking to each other and knowing each other, Aarushi looked around and suddenly saw a familiar figure in a corner of the class.

“Is he, Ar-?”

“Hey, Aarushi right?” Aarushi turned back.

“Yeah, Hi?”

“I am Kavya, your new batchmate.” The girl smiled.

(At the corner) “Hey Aryan, come meet that guy.” Viraj took him towards a group of students.

“Oh hey Kavya, nice to meet you.” Aarushi looked at that corner again. It wasn’t Aryan, but some other guy.

“Come join us, Aarushi.” Invited Kavya.

“Yeah sure, lets go.” accepted Aarushi.

“I am probably thinking about him so much that I see him everywhere!” said Aarushi to herself as she went with Kavya.

The class began. All students took their seats. The professor started taking attendance.

“Present ma’am”

“Present mam”

Suddenly Aryan became attentive and tried to see that Aarushi. But he was unable to see due to large number of people around.

Present ma’am”


Aarushi looked around again. No one spoke.
“Aryan Agrawal?”

He realised his name was being called and stopped looking around.

Um- ye- present ma’am.”

“Students be attentive atleast during attendance.”

Aarushi tried to see the Aryan. But as he was sitting somewhere at the back and was surrounded by others, she couldn’t see the person.

“What I am doing. Why I am trying to look for him everywhere? How can he be here? I am so stupid. Move on, Aarushi, move on.”

“Why did I even started looking here and there hearing her name. How can she be here? Hush never in her dreams she would be. Focus, Aryan, what are you doing?”

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