Jungle pt. 2

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At the habitat which is now revealed as a criminal hideout! The group finds themselves prisoners of the infamous La Sombra whose laugh serves as a mocking reminder of their situation, "Thank you, all of you, for walking right into my trap!" he says as his cronies prevent the older members of the group away from Layla, Gaby, and Miguel.

Luna was angry at the imposter, "How dare you?!" she shouted as she was held back.

"It was easy, see?" playing with his fake mustache, "Eduardo, La Sombra, Eduardo, La Sombra," Put's it on his chin, then head, "Abraham Lincoln, Frida Kahlo. Ha! Easy!"

"Yeah, that's hilarious, La Bozo, but I'm Helga G. Pataki, and I'm not staying! So, if you'll just open the gate, we'll be on our way." The brassy girl states as her path is blocked by two machetes. Olga squeals as she quickly pulls her baby sister away from them.

"You are staying. I went to the trouble to arrange that phony contest and class trip just to lure them here!" He turns to the three four-year-old Madrigals hugging each other for protection.

"Yeah, yeah, I have a question If what you say is true then why do you arrange it for our age group?"

"I randomly gave out the memo to schools that had students with the last name Sanchez and Viola Luna's video revealed Los tres. Originally I had planned to kidnap you and lure them to me but it seems fortune had smiles upon me when they tagged along."

Gaby blows a raspberry at La Sombra, and Layla gave him a death glare. Miguel though scared, begs the evil man, "Let our family and friends go. La Monstró!" he asks with glossy eyes.

"Hmm. La Monstró? Not bad, has a nice ring," Miguel glares at him with tears falling, "Miguel, come on, don't be sad. You're my partner, remember? Huh? Luna? Our secret?!"

"Partner?" Zano turns to his sister for an explanation. But Helga beat him to it and asked the Sánchez girl, "...What secret is he talking about?"

Luna tries to explain, "No! I mean, he—"

"Oh, Luna didn't tell you? We planned to go look for their precious Green-eyed people!"

Isa, Mirabel, Camilo, Antonio and Zano gasped, "The Green eyes!" Knowing that La Sombra had stolen a relic from them before but was foiled and vowed revenge.

The students and Olga shared confused looks while asking each other in wonder, "Green-Eyed People?"

Zano narrowed his eyes at the twisted pirate spouting lies to further divide the group. "Don't listen to him! He's been lying to us from the start like the shitty river leech that he is!" He snarls in La Sombra's direction.

La Sombra calmly snaps his fingers; his goons hit Zano in the back of the neck before he could react, the painful blow forced Zano to kneel. Terrified, everyone cried out in panic for the outspoken teen. The trio is now crying out for their uncle as he struggles and bites La Sombra's henchmen as they try to keep him still. "Enough!" He ordered his men, holding Zano as he glares at La Sombra hatefully, despite the pain he feels. If looks could kill the river pirate would be dead right now.

Everyone is still scared and screaming afraid they'll be dealt with next which made the River Pirates leader frustrated. "Everyone shut up!" They go quiet, "Now Luna, maybe you should tell your brother what happened, huh? Before someone gets hurt." Looks at Zano kneeling, "More so."

"No! No! He's twisting it all up. I thought maybe if we found the Green Eyes, they could tell me where Miguel's parents are," Luna says as she looks down hating herself for being so stupid to trust him so quickly even if he was disguised as Eduardo.

"Luna, say it ain't so! You weren't helping this jamoke?"

"I knew it! Why didn't you just tell me?" Gerald asks looking hurt.

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