Javier's Journal pt 1

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Miguel and his parents sail on a ship. Javier Carlos Madrigal grabs a tray of cups and brings them to his wife and son.

Taking a mug, Javier asked: "It's nice to be on this adventure, isn't it?".

Blanca: "Especially since we're all together," she said, as they hugged Miguel.

"Yeah," Miguel drinks his hot chocolate and spots a ship in the distance. He points ahead, "Look, a ship!"

Javier looks through a telescope and spots the flag on the boat means... "Pirates!"

The ship fires a cannonball; Javier grabs two swords and turns to his son, "Miguel! Stay at the helm, we'll deal with the pirates," Blanca takes a sword. "Don't worry, Hijo, we'll be back." She kisses his head, then swings to the ship.

Javier and Blanca board the enemy ship, and they fight off the pirates. During the fight, the ship fired more cannonballs. Smoke fills the air. Then silence.

"Mom? Dad?" Miguel asked. The sky cleared, leaving an empty ocean but no sign of his parents or the pirates. "Mami! Papi! Come back!... Come back!"

Miguel wakes up and gasps. After realizing he was dreaming, he cries. Miguel then rips out a calendar page, revealing today's date. He then takes out a picture of his parents. After a while, someone knocks. "Come in," he said, lying back down.

"Morning, Miguelito," said Angelina, as she enters holding a tray with food. "Hi, Auntie," he greeted with tears in his eyes. "Oh, baby what's happened?" she says as she places the tray down and cradles him in her lap with her arms around him.

Michael sniffles, "I'm okay I just had a bad dream."

Angelina wipes his eyes with a tissue and kisses his forehead, "I have a pretty good idea of who was in it huh?" he nods. "By I brought you some breakfast," she says as he looks at his favorite foods on the tray.

"Thanks. That's nice of you tía," he climbs off her lap as he goes back under his sheets.

"Do you want me to leave the tray and you can... eat it later?" She asked, holding the tray up, aware he was having a rough start on a very difficult day for him.

"Uh, sure," he replied to his concerned aunt.

"Okay then," Angie places the tray back on the table, "If you need me or the others, we'll... we'll be around," she brushes his hair out of his eyes.

"Okay," he sighs. Angelina kisses his forehead and proceeds to the door. "I'll be back to check on you," she says and closes the door. Angelina looks down shaking her head, "Pobrecito," she heads downstairs to the dining room and is greeted by her family. All curious about how Miguel is doing thus far.

"How is he?" asked Ignácio, "He's talking, but we need to see if he ate any of his food later," she sighs slumping into the chair. "I wish we could do more."

Acacia, sensing her husband and Cuánda's distress, spoke, "today it hard for all of us. But everything will work out, we know they'll return, just like your dad predicted," she says. However, everyone was still unsure. "Right?"

"My visions tend to be vague. I saw Javier but Blanca... who knows?" Bruno explained, not liking his gift right now but he had to try. He offered to have another vision, but his children objected.

"Papá no. Gracias, but your sessions can take a lot out of you," Ignácio said putting a hand on Bruno's shoulder. "And your health is imperative," he concluded, imploring his father not to push himself. "We need you at your best especially now."

"He's right Bruno, Miguel needs all of us for him, especially today," Maria said. Everyone agreed with her.

"What is today?" asked Camilo, unaware of the situation.

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