Quinceañera y Quinceañeros

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August 1, 193X

Today is the triplets' 15 birthday. Now a Quinceañera is a special day when the girl is celebrated as an adult woman. Now for boys, they have Quinceañeros for entering adulthood except there is no big dress, changing of shoes, or tiara. just a ceremony a suit, and a party. When the planning for the quince started everyone thought that after the boys performed their part of the ceremony for their assent they'd focus on being part of Angie's court the rest of the reception but when your sister is Angelína Madrigal well you can bet she'll want to make her brothers a part of it no matter what.

Angelina is in her room reviewing her speech while also watching her primos Camilo and Mirabel who are in a playpen.

"Okay so this is my part, then Ignácio, and I go again, then Javier..."

'Good thing I made these notes in case I forgot my speech' Looking at the cards, "Hmm, what do you think primitos?" she asked looking at the sweet toddlers only to get coos and giggles.

"Oh, you two are so cute, I can't stand it. I could just eat you up!" She tickled them and gave them raspberries and kisses making them more excited. Then Casita had to interrupt this sweet moment by showing the time.

"Uh-oh, I gotta go," Angelina ran around getting her stuff, then placed the babies in a carrier. Hoping to make it early but not before giving her Papa something.

Bruno's Room

Bruno is lighting candles on the ofrendas he and his wife made for their first Día de Los Muertos. There is a picture of his father, his grandparents, and some of Mica's family. Poncho, Angelina's pet chihuahua is next to him chewing on a bone. Bruno is excited and nervous about his children's birthday cause this is important and lately, his mother's expectations have gotten more restraining which is not clashing well with his children. Especially Angelina.

"Papa, lo siento for disturbing you, I know it's not Día de Los Muertos but I pray that you guide my children through this day. They are growing so much, and we are so proud of them. But I fear for them and Mama. Lately, she's become so-" his prayer was interrupted due to the candles going out by Angelina who was holding a plate of food and tea.

"PAPA!, I brought -Coughs- sand in my mouth," she wheezed, "I brought you a snack and some herbal tea remember you need to drink two cups in the morning and at night."

"Elinita, shouldn't you be heading into town to get ready?"

"Shouldn't you?"

"Okay, fair point but still you know how-"

"I know Papi, and don't worry I'll be patient with Abuela," she said giving him a farewell hug as she started to head out.

"Oh Mija, have you seen your brothers?"

"Oh-huh, Gotta Go Bye!" she flew off not knowing how to answer the question but Bruno had a pretty good idea.

"I'm going to pray some more, I just hope those boys are at least near the place, mama expects them to be," he said petting Poncho.

Town Square

The triplets have been performing music a lot lately in the center of town. Which is fun cause everyone loves to hear them perform it started when they were younger and so on.

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