Catching Up

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After hugging for who knows how long? The moment was interrupted when Chapa decided to make his presence known.

"Chapa would like to be let out, por favor. Parce too," said Antonio. Angie and Ignácio looked at him which made the boy recoil nervously between his brother and Mirabel's legs. After taking note of the little boy the siblings looked at their padre. "Oh, this is your primito, Antonio," Bruno said.

Dolores added with a smile, "Our little brother,"

"Tía Pepa and Tío Félix had another baby?" Asked Angelina amazed. Pepa must be 50 by now.

Still, shy Antonio answered with a raised hand, "I'm five," Antonino said showing five fingers.

Camilo patting his brother's head added "he can talk to animals,"

Angie looked down at Antonio and with a sweet smile said, "it's wonderful to meet you, Antonio," she reached her hand out "I can't wait to learn more about you," he saw how nice she was like his prima and grabbed her hand. Ignácio did the same.
The two wild cats roared again getting their attention. Mirabel decided to finally speak, "I guess we better let them out now"

"Yeah, Chapa tends to get restless but I think he can wait," she said still upset at the jaquin's role in Miguel's adventure. "Anyway let's get you all settled in the house. I'm sure you are all tired from your trip."

Everyone grabbed their bags and headed inside except Acacia who pulled Zano to the side, for a minute, "You're not out of dodge," Shrugging her words off Zano went inside 'this is going to be a long visit

————Dining room————

After bringing their bags inside a big man was waiting in the living room once he saw Miguel he hugged him. The visiting Madrigals learned this was Miguel's, Tío Chico. Chico helped them bring the bags to the guest rooms. Miguel and Antonio were told to go into Miguel's room. While the Madrigals went to the dining room. Not sure where to start the conversation but the silence was unbearable.

"So is no one gonna talk about the elephant in the room?" Asked Camilo.

"Which one?" Said Ignácio.

"How about you tell us what happened with Miguel and Zano?" Angelina suggested.

After explaining the situation, from Casita showing a hidden room, the mural changing, going through photo albums, and through the train ride here (balcony serenade not included) the duo could only process so much. But both understand the reason Miguel went there.

"Wow, I can't believe Casita added our kids to the mural in town," he said. "Or that we were taken off."

"We knew the magic added more to the family tree but that was inside Casita," she noted. "I didn't know their magic could reach into town."

Antonio added, "Neither did Abuela," this caused the two to flinch slightly unknown to everyone except Dolores and Bruno.

"It was only your eldest children added so far. Miguel mentioned you had other kids," said Bruno.

Regaining control Angelina and Ignácio focused on the conversation, "Yes, I have twin boys," stated Ignacio.

"And I'm pregnant with my second," Angie said rubbing her stomach, and then turned to Mirabel. "I'm sorry for any panic Chapa might have caused, especially in your room."

Encanto (Journey to the past)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang