Chapter 5: Choking

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Enid was making herself at home, so she unpacked some of her clothes and placed them in the wardrobe, she had also brought her favorite stuffed plushies and set them on her bed, overall her room felt more like her even if it was just for a weekend. Enid felt welcomed and safe, she knew Yoko and...Wednesday wouldn't let anything bad happen to her, besides she was also one badass werewolf who took down her Alpha brother. Enid chuckled as she remembered. Her mother must still be freaking out, hopefully, they won't come looking for her...she sure hopes...

Wednesday didn't have much to do in her new borrowed room so she decided to roam around the house taking in every detail of it as she could. She wasn't about to pry into someone else's home that much though, so she stuck to exploring places that were out in the open, instead of sneaking around into rooms or locked doors, as much as she wanted to. She was curious, but not disrespectful.

She focused her attention on the Tanaka Family portrait. The painting looked old, maybe from the 1800s, she made a mental note to ask Enid how old Yoko was. It had a captivating blend of elegance, cultural richness, and mystic charm. The background was a traditional tatami room adorned with delicate shoji screens, the composition exuded an air of tranquility amidst certain darkness that came from the occupants of the painting.

At the center of the portrait stood Yoko's father, he was a refined and enigmatic figure dressed in an intricately embroidered kimono, adorned with designs representing traditional Japanese mythology and folklore. His pale complexion reflected his immortal nature, while his eyes held a mixture of wisdom and hunger. With a graceful yet commanding posture, he emanated a sense of power and control over his vampire lineage.

Beside him was who Wednesday assumed was Yoko's mother, since she had never met her,  her beauty was ethereal, she was draped in a flowing, silken kimono adorned with cherry blossom patterns. Her porcelain-like skin was accentuated by a gentle smile, masking both her allure and the dangerous nature that lies beneath. A traditional obi cinched her kimono, embellished with motifs symbolizing longevity and protection against evil spirits.

As she was moving on to look at Yoko and who she thought was her older sister. Something caught her attention at the corner of her eye. She quickly turned her head to see Enid heading back to her room with a piece of pizza in her mouth, 2 boxes in her hands, and some chocolate bars on top. There's a fleeting moment where their eyes met and lingered for a brief moment...Enid flashed the best smile she could while having a slice of pizza stuffed in her mouth.

"She looks so much like a human puppy..." thought Wednesday to herself. "Evening Sinclair, I see you have already found and ransacked the kitchen..." She said while looking Enid up and down.

"I'm...fungwry..." Enid tried to say and failed miserably. "Ifs ben a wong day..." she shrugged. A whiff of ink hitting her nose.

Wednesday was so close to laughing at this human puppy but kept deadpanning. "You should not talk with your mouth full, it is disrespectful and gross...although it could induce choking and that would be amusing to watch..."

"You're sho mean..." and with that, Enid started choking...

"See..." Wednesday sighed...she stood completely still as she watched Enid drop her pizza boxes and hit her chest with her fist..."When will I ever be done saving you Sinclair?" With her signature calm yet macabre demeanor, she steps forward to assist Enid. She stood behind her and started to try to give her the Heimlich Maneuver but Enid was moving around too much... " Wednesday had to step on her tiptoes in order to get a good hold on Enid since she was taller than her. As she did so, Enid's flight or fight response kicked in and she fully elbowed Wednesday in the eye. "Seriously Enid?! Wednesday yelled at her, fully pissed at this point, however, she didn't stop trying to help her roommate out.

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