Chapter 2: Nero's Legacy

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Enid fell asleep shortly after the movie ended. She was feeling warm, cozy, and happy with the prospect of being able to talk to Wednesday again. She was finally able to have a good night's sleep after the whole time she's been at home.

The next day, Enid woke up smiling, she stretched out and yawned like a puppy. She flipped on her back and stretched some more. Suddenly she remembered to check her phone, it was buried in her sheets, it took a while to find and when she finally was dead...

She got up quickly, plugged in her phone, and waited a bit for it to turn on...She hated waiting...After some minutes the screen finally lit up, Enid opened up the messaging app and check for a response.

Nothing...The messages had been read but she hadn't received any text back...A pan of sadness hit Enid like a bag of bricks, she felt hurt, sad, disappointed, and yes, maybe she was overreacting but hell, she missed Wednesday and was hoping to finally be able to talk to her before school started again.
Then, anger set in... "Who the heck does she think she is?! I'm out here trying to be her friend and she left me on read?! Who the fuck does that?! By then she was fuming...she threw her phone on the bed and stormed downstairs to get something to eat.

While she was stomping down she bumped into one of her brothers. "Watch it freak!" He yelled, flashing his fangs at her.

"You DO NOT want to start something with me right now" Enid snapped back.

"Oooooh look who grew a pair! The little runt of the litter! Color me surprised!" He mocked.

Enid's claws and fangs started to show and she started to growl at her brother.

"You...You want to fight? Me?! Seriously Enid, just go back to your room. You'll hurt yourself. I'm much more dangerous than you think and you're not worth my time..." He snarled.

At this Enid launched herself at him, biting and clawing as much skin as she could. She had had it with him and his attitude. She couldn't transform without the full moon but she was done with the bullying and abuse she had tolerated all these days at home, plus the whole being left on read was the cherry on top. She was relieved her parents and other brothers were still asleep too because she couldn't fight with all of them.

Her brother whimpered when Enid bit down on his left shoulder and scratched him across his face. He tried pushing her away but was pinned down against the stairs. That's when Enid heard her phone chime from her bedroom and everything froze. She let go and backed away...

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT YOU BITCH!" Her brother was shaking, holding his wounded shoulder with his good arm. " MOM IS GOING TO EAT YOU ALIVE WHEN I TELL HER!" He threatened.

Enid was pumping with adrenaline, breathing hard and shaking as well. "GO AHEAD YOU DICK, GO AND TELL HER THE RUNT OF THE LITTER DID THAT TO HER PRECIOUS ALPHA!" She felt proud of herself but also panicky, their parents must have heard the whole commotion by now.

Her brother shuddered at her words, he slowly got up from the stairs and started limping back to his room. "You're going to pay for this...when you least expect it...this isn't over Enid." And with that, he left.

She was so fucked...She ran back to her room in a panic and dialed Yoko's number..."Pick up, pick up, pick up...please..."

A groggily Yoko picked up the phone, " Enid? What's up kiddo? Is everything alright?" There was a tint of worry in her voice.
"No! Nothing is alright...I fucked up Yoko..." Panicked Enid.

A fully awoken Yoko replied, "What happened? Are you safe?" She went full protective mom mode.

" into a fight with my oldest brother...It's bad Yoko...My mom is going to legit kill me..." Tears started to flow down her cheeks.

"She wouldn't dare..." She had to do something about it. "Enid, puppy, listen to me..." She cooed.

"Hmm, I'm listening..." She said in a whisper.

"Lock and barricade your door, pack your things and I'm coming for you." Enid could hear Yoko running around her room getting ready to leave.

"Hmm Okay...thank you, Yoko. I don't know what I'd do without you." Enid was sobbing but started doing as Yoko said.

"I'll be right there pup. Stay put and safe, please. I'm taking the chopper!" And with that, Yoko hung up.

Enid quickly ran to her door locked and barricaded it. Then she grabbed her bags and started to fill them up with everything she needed. Luckily, she hadn't heard any noise coming from the outside but she knew that sooner or later they would come for her.

While in Nevermore, her family had relocated to Delaware, which Enid was aware of when her mother called to tell her just when she was about to buy her ticket home to California...luckily yet expensively she managed to get her ticket "home". This was an advantage now though because she was closer to Yoko, who lived in New York, and to Nevermore as well.

"It should take around 45 minutes to get here..." Enid sighed. A whole 30 minutes had passed since she last spoke to Yoko and panic was beginning to set. "How long does it take to get here?" She googled again..."45 minutes...ok...only 15 more..." That's when she heard them...BANG, BANG, BANG..."OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW, ENID!" Her mother yelled from behind her door.

"Shit..." Enid was a dead woman...


At this, Enid started to breathe heavily and yelled back, "HE DESERVED IT! I'M SICK AND TIRED OF ALL OF YOU TREATING ME LIKE SHIT ALL THE TIME! HE MOCKED ME AND GOT WHAT HE CAME BARKING FOR!" Enid was livid and nervous at the same time..."How long has it been...Yoko, Please arrive soon..." She said aloud.

The doorknob started to rattle, she could hear her mother telling her brothers to start pushing the door in. They began to push the door, one by one...if this went on any longer when the door would come off its hinges and it would be the end for Enid. She was also glad they didn't have enough brain power to think of crawling up the wall into her room from the window...All Enid could do now was just push more furniture in front of her door...

That's when her phone rang..."Yoko! Dude! Where are you?! It's been an hour! I'm about to die here!" She yelled into the phone.

"Sorry kiddo, I...had a...set back...but we're almost your window..." Yoko yelled back.

Enid was puzzled, did she say "we"? "Who's we?" she thought and before she could even see who it was, a smell like a damp forest floor after a light rain with a subtle note of jasmine, dark chocolate, that made her mouth water, and a faint hint of ink and parchment hit her sensitive nose. The scent was a unique blend of mystery and allure, it was delicate and captivating. She was drawn to it like a moth to a flame...She hadn't sensed that smell since the night she wolfed out...since she hugged...I can't be her...She brushed it off and stood by her window as the chopper descended. She grabbed her bags and threw them to Yoko, that's when she saw who "we" was, who that scent came from...Wednesday in all her goth glory stuck her hand out to pull Enid into the chopper. "Hello, Sinclair. Do mind your head, as much as sputtering blood out of your arteries sounds fun, we wouldn't want this impromptu helicopter rescue to be in vain."

Enid froze yet again, she was shellshocked. The door breaking down and the pack barging in made her recover from her initial shock. She grabbed Wednesday's hand and jumped into the chopper. Before flying off and in a quick motion Wednesday threw a bag of...something Enid couldn't make out, into her room and they were off. She could hear screaming and see her family running in panic below as they flew upwards.

Yoko was laughing her ass off and Enid could see a faint smile ghost Wednesday's lips..."What was THAT?" Enid asked. "Oh...they were just Nero's descendants, who dropped in for a visit..." Wednesday said with a full-blown smirk.

Enid was gobsmacked...

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