Chapter 11: Confessions

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The next morning Wednesday woke up early, as usual, yet this time she laid in her coffin fully awake but unmoving... She was in deep thought... What would she say? How would she say it? Why is something hard to overcome? "The matters of the heart..." she repeated her mother's words. The heart was just an organ, built to keep her blood pumping, it did not feel, it did not dictate any emotions...So why did it ache to be with Enid, to speak to her, to open up and jump out of her chest? It was beyond her...

Wednesday scoffed at herself and got up, feeling a bit frustrated. She must speak with Enid about... whatever this was and get it over with... Damned Addams's Curse... She walked into the bathroom, had a shower, and changed into some comfortable clothes. It was their last Saturday off and she was feeling not like herself...

She walked towards Enid's room, trying to knock but she quickly stopped herself when she heard the light snores coming from the werewolf's room... "Of course, she is still sleeping..." Wednesday sighed and turned around to leave when the door opened abruptly...

"Are you ok?!" Enid asked with too much energy for someone who had just woken up.

"How did you...? You were just snoring..." Wednesday was a bit taken aback.

Enid blushed, tucking her head, "...I...sensed you...if that makes any sense..." she shrugged.

"Fascinating..." Wednesday said with awe. "May I come in?"

"Oh...Mmm, yes...yes, please, come in..." She said enthusiastically as she stood aside to let her in.

Wednesday entered the werewolf's space. Her colors splashed everywhere as usual and her plushies were nested in a corner. She smiled lightly and said, "I...I am here to talk" She was uncharacteristically shy and found it hard to obtain the right words to express herself. She hoped Enid would be more articulate.

"Ah...yes...I...We..." mumbled Enid.

"Guess not..." thought Wednesday.

"May we sit?" She asked while pointing at the armchairs that were in Enid's room. Enid walked towards them and sat in one of the pale-yellow armchairs. Wednesday was glad she wore long sleeves this time as she sat in the one opposite Enid. She looked straight at Enid and stated, "We Addams are...cursed..." Enid shrieked, looking at Wednesday as if she were about to combust... "And you're...ok with that?" She questioned with a hint of panic in her voice. "I...was not, until recently...I have accepted my faith..." Wednesday said solemnly, looking deep into Enid's eyes.

Enid was very confused as to why she looked so... relieved while saying this... "What...what's going to happen to you?" she said, shuffling in her seat.

"I am afraid it has already started...I had not noticed it before, but I believe it started its course when...when I met you..." Wednesday had never looked so serious yet so soft. Enid on the other hand was horrified at hearing this information, she thought she had done something wrong to Wednesday and stated, "So, it's my're sick?" she said, her voice cracking slightly in panic. "My mother was right...I only bring bad news to everyone I meet... Useless Enid..." She stood up and paced around the room, waving her hands in the air as she said this.

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