Five: Crash Landing

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Five: Crash Landing

The faster I ran, the harder it was to keep my balance in the sand. Charles continued barking, muddled together with John and I hollering. My mind was in full on panic mode, anticipating accusitory faces as to how whatever Sam had walked in to hadn't affected me. It was nearly in the tone of John's voice when he asked the question himself.

My stomach lurched when I saw Dean and the others scurrying back, not a single person missing from their group. For a brief moment, I was relieved, but I could see Dean's expression changing. As we reached the house, his trotting pace and turned into that of a brisk march.

The Doctor quickened his pace to keep up with Dean, "What's all the shouting about?"

"Oh, thank God," John uttered, leaning over on his knees.

"John?" Sherlock quipped.

"Where the hell is Sam?" Dean barked.

"Dean, please," the Doctor hushed, looking from him to me, reaching for my shoulders. "Cecily, what's the matter? What happened?"

"I-I-I don't know what happened," I stammered, trying to catch my breath. I could feel the heaviness of Dean's gaze narrowed in on me, and I tried my best to remain calm. "W-we were just walking and, when I turned around, Sam was gone."

"What do you mean he was gone?" Dean glowered, taking a step further.

"Dean, just... just wait!" I pleaded, holding out my hands.

The threatening level of his voice was enough to cause me to cower. First Castiel and now his brother; if I didn't have a decent answer for him, I feared he would take it out on me in consequential ways.

"It was some kind of portal, I don't know- I really don't understand it," John interjected, gesturing haphazardly with his hands. "It's like he walked through something- an invisible something, taking Sam but not Cece."

The Doctor straightened, eyes growing with wonderment. "Marvelous."

"Dean," I croaked, my throat tight, "I promise, I-"

"You keep your promises to yourself, you hear me? Tell me what you're up to, what you did with Sam and Cas, or I'll uncover what's really behind that pretty, innocent, little face of yours."

"You're thinking irrationally," Sherlock groaned.

Dean turned around to face the Detective, "What did you just say?"

Sherlock rolled his eyes, "Oh, you lot and your tiny, emotional minds. Perhaps you've forgotten about the inconvenient loop that keeps us from strolling out of this God forsaken place." He inclined his head toward me without batting an eye. "Cecily is innocent, and just as clueless as the lot of you."

The loop, I thought, nearly sighing a breath of relief. During the stress of the situation, John and I had completely forgotten about the loop. Why hadn't it affected me?

"Then where is he, Mr. Personality?"

Keeping his eyes met with Dean, Sherlock simply lifted a finger, pointing in the direction of the house. I released a breath as Sam walked around the side, looking around himself, befuddled and lost. Dean's face relaxed, our eyes briefly meeting before he shrugged passed me to meet his brother.

I frowned, watching him walk toward the house, guilt in the pit of my stomach. Charles nudged my arm, but I paid him little mind.

"Simple humans," Sherlock muttered, turning toward the house. "You all care so much."

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