San went out of the room taking a really deep breath, trying his best to think of the best and that Yunho will be just fine. He made his way to where Wooyoung was because right now, he really needed that warmth from Wooyoung. On the other hand, Wooyoung was being lectured by none other than Hongjoong with Wooyoung giving zero responses. " Where was your brain when you jumped off the balcony? Are you in a warzone? Goodness gracious god! What is wrong with you? " asked Hongjoong holding his temple as he sat on the armrest next to Wooyoung.

   " I'm the prince, I can do whatever I want. " said Wooyoung rolling his eyes wrapping himself deeply because at this point he will get a cold. " Don't you use your authority on me right now, Jung Wooyoung. What prince does that? " said Hongjoong sighing deeply at the idiocy at the prince in front of him. When was doing this a thing that was a part of a duty of a prince? San then came inside the room that was filled with knights on the outside with only two people inside. He went inside to find Hongjoong legitimately scolding the hell out of Wooyoung.

" If you even- I don't know what to say but shove it up your ass if I ever let you step one foot out of this castle without me Jung Wooyoung. " said Hongjoong rolling his eyes this time making Wooyoung ignore him as he went out of the room ignoring San. Over his dead body will he leave Wooyoung's side, he will not bother sleeping at all. " What happened? " said San making his way next to Wooyoung who was mad as well, the tension in the air was very high. " Apparently he knows how to be a fucking prince ? Why doesn't he be one, fuckard. " spat Wooyoung glaring at the heater like it was at fault, when he knows damn well that he was the one at fault.

   " He is going to be standing outside my door like a fucking idiot until he passes out " continued Wooyoung groaning at Hongjoong's patience level not that he was complaining. In the end, Wooyoung will be caught each time so he doesn't have to be worried about throwing himself outside and have no idea where to be. Yes, he wanted to be grounded like that so that he feels safe and sound. Although he did not like the idea of Hongjoong doing it, but he started it.

Wooyoung sighed a little as he noticed the weird expression on San's face. He had no idea what was wrong but that wasn't a happy face nor a mad one. " He cares about you thats all " said San noticing that Wooyoung has finally relaxed before he placed his head on Wooyoung's shoulder, making him flinch at the sudden contact. San is sure clingy thought Wooyoung trying to stop the drumming that was going on inside of him.

Still, something was definitely bothering San or else why would be so paranoid. That was the only word he could use to explain the look on San's face. " Move a little " said Wooyoung pushing San so lightly as if he was afraid of hurting him, which San obliged too but with a sigh. San was slightly annoyed by how Wooyoung just pushed him away, he was not feeling his best so that was hurtful. Wooyoung moved further away from San in the couch making him frown visibly, he so wanted Wooyoung right now.

   " Stop pouting and come here " said Wooyoung patting at his chest as he laid on his back making San widen his eyes in surprise. He didn't take a second before he softly jumped into Wooyoung's arm like a baby.
Wooyoung giggled unconsciously at San's behavior, this had to be the cutest thing he ever saw in his life. He was so glad to see San back to his usual self, somehow it made him feel much better. Wooyoung wrapped San completely making San nuzzle himself deeper if possible.

San could have sworn he died for a second there, Wooyoung was the one who initiated this and not him. It made his heart swell, the kiss yesterday and now this, what is Wooyoung doing to him. Wooyoung on the other hand was questioning himself for a second, when has he ever done that? What is San making him do, it was so not him. Their hearts raced in union as they both weren't sure whose heart was it.

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