What's on Your Mind?

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Chapter 64

I was in a foggy haze of bliss as Maximus finished coming deep inside me. I loved His heavy breathing His warm breath on my skin the way he kissed my neck and held me tight as he collapsed on top of me.

"Good morning", He said breathless thrusting one more time inside me.

"Good morning", I said with my body still on fire from the pleasure he had just given me. "Again?"

"I love your excitement. But I need to recover first. I never thought in a thousand years your desire would eclipse mine".

"How can I not want you every moment of every day?"

"You're too good to me, Rena", Maximus smiled as he leaned forward and kiss me.

"I want to be", I said a morning sunlight started to pour into our room. My time with Maximus was up. I knew he had to be in the market with my father soon. I wasn't time for another lovemaking session. I would just have to wait until tonight.

Maximus huff with a sigh of disappointment coming to the same conclusion I had. "I have to go".

"I know", I said with more disappointment than I wanted to let on. Maximus hovered above me.

"Don't look so sad, I'll be back. And this time I won't fall asleep on you", he said kissing my cheek.

"I know once you get settled with business you'll have more time. I'm just...."

"Hmmm? What's on your mind, Ocelle?"

"A lot", I said honestly.

Maximus climbed off and settle down next to me on the bed pulling me close to him as I stared up into his eyes. He pushed my hair back behind my ear and gave me all of his attention almost as if he was tuning out the entire world except for me,"What's on your mind?"

"I still worry about Caesar".

"You don't have to worry about him".

"But I do. And as much as I want a life in Rome close to my family I can't justify couldn't even danger and making you work so hard---"

"Rena, I'm suppose to provide for you. That's part of the deal of us being married. I take care of you just as much as you take care of me. I'm not going to let anyone take this future we will have. I want to give you a house like this, I want to have a community to support us I want my wife to be happy and not ripped away from everything she knows. I will not live in fear of 'what could happen'. Our life is here and no one is going to take that from us, no man, Caesar, or God".

My body was turned on in a way it had never been before. I crawled on top of Maximus And as I set up his hands immediately went to my breath playing with my hard nipples,"I love you".

"You're really going to love me when I say I want you to come to the market with me".

"Take me I'm yours", I giggled.

"I wish I could say it was just to spoil you. But I'm curious to know why you gravitate towards certain things. If it can catch your attention, I want to know why because that's where we should put our money at".

"Jewelry, clothes, hair pins, shoes and perfumes?"

"The interests of a woman of class".

"Well my husband is my main interest now", I giggled.

"And I am proud to be that interest", He said kissing me slowly,"Will you spend the day in the market with me and Marcus so we can get a better understanding of the market...."

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