It's Been a Long Night

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Chapter 47

Like a mad man I banged on Rena's bedroom door not caring if I woke up the whole house. I had to explain myself I had to do something.I pound on the door with all my might, desperate to talk to my wife.

"Please, let me in," I shout, my voice hoarse with emotion. I can feel my heart racing as I wait for a response, hoping that Rena will hear me and open the door.

"You can't just knock down the door", Cassius said right behind me.

"I could", I sent seriously contemplating breaking down the door. But I controlled myself for a moment. And I rested the palms of my hands against the wooden door. "Rena, please open the door".

But there's no answer, no sound from the other side. I pound on the door again, harder this time, my fists hurting with the effort.

"Please, just talk to me," I plead, my voice cracking.

I can't bear the thought of not being able to speak to her, to explain myself and try to make things right. My mind races with all the things I want to say, all the apologies I want to make. I know I've messed up, but I need her to hear me out.

"What in the gods name is going on here!" Luna panicked rushing out of her room wrapped in a long white silk nightgown.

"Rena, knows", Cassius said bluntly.

"First of all I have no idea what you're talking about", Luna lied.

"Maximus saw you go down into the basement. Rena is pissed that no one tried to protect... I guess your virtue?"

"Don't speak so familiar to me", Luna said pushing me out of the way so she could start banging on the door,"Rena? Ren?"

I wasn't bold enough to just barge into Rena's room without her wanting me there. Luna didn't have that problem. And I followed right behind her as she barged into the empty room.

".... she's not... here".

"Rena?!" Luna shouted going out onto the empty balcony

"Luna, my dear, Why are we yelling in the dead of night?" Livia said entering the room in an embroidered cotton white and blue nightgown.

"They lost Rena", Luna was quick to say.

"We didn't lose her, she ran away".

"Probably came to her senses", Livia said reaching out for Luna, who quickly joined her at her side. "I'm sure she's with Marcus".

"The house is dead asleep. She's not here", I said as dread filled my stomach. Anything could have happened to Rena. That Farmer could a kidnap her, she could have been mugged, and killed. It's pouring down raining and freezing she could get sick and pass out on the streets for anyone to take advantage of her.

"...and the roads are dangerous", Livia said rushing out of the room and she started to scream for Marcus.

"She couldn't have gone far. All we know is Rome and like three other places", Luna said mostly to herself.

"What are the three other places?" I demanded to know. I would run there if I had to.

"Family. They are all over Rome".

"And who's to say Rena didn't just stop at an inn?" Cassius added. "If she wanted to come back here, she would have---"

"Get dressed", I demanded. "I want to find her to tonight".

"Are you going to check every inn and every person Rena's ever met?"

"If that's what it takes to find her I'll knock on every door in Rome until I find her. But I could save a lot of time if you could just tell me specific places", I vowed.

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