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Marie decided to go stay at our fathers while she was there my father talked her into going and having some drinks with him and some other friends.

she left the baby at home with our other sister Jenny. When Marie got home she walked into the room where Jenny was sleeping and the baby was in his bassinet sleeping, she picked the baby up and laid down with him not realizing how tired she was from the drinks and she fell asleep...

When she woke up the baby had blood coming from his nose and wasn't breathing, she rushed him to the small dr office in town and they was able to get him flown to the hospital upon arrival he had died just 3 weeks old.

At the time I didn't know what was going on my mom got a call that something happened and she left me at my grandmas to go to the hospital.

I remember my aunt coming over and when she walked inside the look on her face was pale she then said "he didn't make it" hearing that all the blood ran from my face suddenly i fell to my knees sobbing "he was just a baby!"

That was one of the hardest things to deal with at that time in my life, my first real experience with grief.

That changed my sister for the worse she started using drugs to numb the pain to escape reality which lead to her addiction.

The death of her son was devastating on everyone, my dad was just blaming my mom for not being there when truly we didn't want Marie to go to his house because we had a gut feeling something was going to happen.

At the funeral so many people came to show respect it was my first time to see a casket that small, it wasn't fair he was so tiny just a baby how could he be took from us so soon. I just couldn't understand why, why him?

As we was walking from the funeral home to our cars to go to the gravesite a commotion broke out we looked and seen a huge fight between my dad and the father of my nephew. They hated each other and my dad did not want the father of my nephew there he seen Matt trying to hug Marie and lost it causing a huge fight between families.

I was mortified I couldn't grasp what was happening, my mom grabbed my arm and said "let's go to the gravesite now!" She didn't want to be in the crossfire with my dad. We got Marie and drove to the gravesite and waited, just wanting that day to be over.

My dad had a way with words he was good at manipulation. Marie ended up taking his side after everything and moving in with him staying high and drunk 24/7 just not caring anymore about life only the high life.

Meanwhile my mom was working a lot of hours trying to save up for her and I a place to call ours during that time she started dating around because she was becoming lonely wanted to be loved in a way my father was never able to love her, I was a little upset when I found out because I didn't want to have a new dad so soon I just wanted me and her to live peacefully.

I started dating my best friend who was there for me so who was I to stop my mom from finding someone that made her happy.

One day I got my boyfriend to come pick me up to go somewhere on the way the roads was curvy we came around one curve and we saw a service truck waiting to turn onto a road after we passed but for some reason right before we could pass the truck turned in front of us causing us to collide!

Instantly I was knocked out of breath!, I could only grab at my chest panic in my eyes my boyfriend seen me not able to breathe he jumped out the car to run to get to me and he fell to his knees not knowing he was injured as well. He made it to me along with the people that lived in the house by the road. I finally was able to catch my breath and was pulled from the car.

Laying me on the ground not knowing how bad the injuries was we waited for the ambulance to arrive and I heard my moms voice coming through the small crowd of people pushing her way to me I couldn't talk it hurt so bad, my seat belt had caused me to have bruised ribs it felt like I had a ton of bricks being pushed on my chest!

At the hospital I found out my boyfriend was being prepared for emergency surgery the doctors thought his spleen had erupted but from his nose being broke by his stirring wheel because his seat belt didn't catch he slammed into the stirring wheel and he had swallowed blood causing it to look like he was bleeding internally.

Luckily they found out it wasn't his spleen in time before they did the surgery. When we was able to go home it was hard to move around I've never felt pain that intense before, the doctor told me having bruised ribs would feel just a bad as having broken ribs I don't know what broken ribs felt like but bruised ribs was not fun at all!

The next day was the worse. When I woke up I forgotten about my injuries and I tried to sit up but it felt like I had a ton of bricks on me holding me down, I had to roll off my bed onto the floor luckily my bed was low to the ground! I army crawled half way to my bedroom door when my mom opened the door and seen me she quickly grabbed me and helped me up and walked me to the bathroom where I needed to go and she grabbed the pain medicine and gave me some to help ease the pain.

That was when I decided to go stay at my boyfriends house because my mom was working so much that she wasn't able to be there to help me like she wanted and my boyfriends mom offered to help me.

My mom started dating a guy from work and she wanted to travel with him so she left me with my boyfriends mom while she traveled for work I was only 16 at the time and i needed her but she needed the work so who was I to argue it wasn't like I was being left homeless.

I ended up getting pregnant at the age of 17 and having my first baby when I was 18 years old we struggled living in a old beat up camper that we bought for cheap and fixed it up to be livable we lived there until my baby was 6 months old and the camper was just not suitable for a child to live in so last resort I had to move in at my dads just for us to get on our feet while living there my dad tried to get me addicted to pain pills but i didn't like the way they made me feel plus I had a daughter to think about.

My dad ended up giving my boyfriend pills for his back and he feed them to him like candy causing him to get addicted to the pills. I can't put all the blame on my dad because everyone has will power to say no.

We moved from there to a house in the city the addiction had took over my boyfriend's life he was a different person he became abusive mentally and physically but I had no where to run I had to stay because I was young and gullible I believed I needed him to survive.

We would fight constantly because I wanted him to get clean but in order for him to get clean he needed to want to get clean, Which later on he did finally sober up.

A year or two passed since I had heard from my dad life was ok at the time. One night we had a sitter so we was at my sister Jenny's house drinking and having fun for the forth of July even though it was the day before the forth when my dad and brother showed up...

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