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When my dad and brother showed up at Jenny's house they seemed off. They was acting very weird, my dad was talking in two different voices saying god was telling him what to do.

He looked at Jenny and said "you have colon cancer and I'm here to cure you" at that point we knew something was wrong. Jenny gave me a off look and I knew she was thinking the same thing as I was.

One of our family friends was there and he lost someone that was close to him and my dad was telling us who went to heaven and who went to hell and my friend asked him "so where did my grandfather go?" And my dad looked him straight in the face and said "he went to hell" making him so upset he went outside and was crying I walked out there and sat next to him and we both just cried together.

When I came back inside my dad was still talking nonsense, kept saying something was going to happen that someone was going to die the next day and he was going to come resurrect him.

He thought he was a prophet and god was leading the way.

The next day nothing happened it was forth of July and we was all at Jenny's again letting the kids swim enjoying the holiday we had no clue the horror we was about to face the next day.

That night Marie was staying at my dads and he kept saying some crazy things that made her feel unsafe so she was texting her husband that she felt like something was going to happen she needed to get out of that house! He was sleeping and didn't see her text or calls, she got in touch with Jenny and got her to pick her up and they went back to Jenny's and fell asleep.

The next day I had some repairs being done on the house I was living in and I woke up and left my phone in my bedroom to talk to everybody about the kitchen, my boyfriend walked in the room to grab something and he looked down to see my aunt was calling me back to back, I had 15 missed calls so I knew something was wrong.

I called her back "Breann something has happened to Jacob" Jacob was my brother when I heard those words my heart sank "your dad slit his throat" with those words my legs got weak and I fell to the floor, I was lost for words there was nothing coming from me but sobs I finally was able to ask "is he dead?" My aunt replied "we don't know your dad has a gun and won't let the police in to get to him"

We rushed to the small town where they was the cops had the road blocked off so I went to Jenny's where all the kids was at this time Jenny had two kids and I had my daughter so I wanted to be with them and let everybody else deal with the cops.

My dad slit his throat at 6am it was 3 pm before the cops tear gassed his house and was able to pull my dad out and handcuff him. They went through the house and pulled my brother out of a closet and brought him to the ambulance he was still alive!

During the days before the incident my dad was forcing my brother to fast and he stopped giving him water so Jacob was severely dehydrated and his blood clotted, we was told that saved his life.

The medic that was in the ambulance clamped his jugular that was cut completely in two this was also a big factor in how he survived it was a miracle.

I thought my brother was dead when you hear something like that you just think the worst.

At the hospital after surgery Jacob was in icu when he woke up I went in there and he was telling me what happened "Breann I tried to fight back look at my hands!" I looked down and he had cuts some deep and small all over his hands. One cut went all the way through his hand he looked at me and said "the first knife went through my hand and broke!"

Who does this to their child? Why? How could he?

That day my mom was in town and she told my brother she was going to pick him up at 6am to get him away from my dad and my dad over heard the call, my mom over slept that morning it's scary to think about what could of happened if she would of woke up on time. He would of killed her.

My dad was only sent to jail for two years for that! Two years!! He pleaded insanity and spent half that time in a asylum. My brother was sent to a hospital for two weeks just to monitor him and make sure when the shock of it all wore off that he wasn't gonna freak out.

This has been challenging to write but it's helping me to get it out.

I will update more soon, I really hope this is a good read for anyone that dealt with similar issues.

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