Part 2

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Sebastian's voice dripped with weariness; the fatigue laced with a touch of wry humor. "So, this is what it feels like to be abandoned," he muttered, a tired chuckle escaping his lips, devoid of its usual vibrancy. As he sat up straighter, his eyes locked onto his mother's figure, tense as she retrieved a suitcase concealed by the hallway door. The sight of the suitcase confirmed the reality that he had been struggling to process.

His mother's smile wavered, her eyes filled with a turbulent mix of concern and guilt. Tentatively, she approached Sebastian, each step weighted with hesitation, and offered the suitcase to him. Her voice held a gentle quality, underscored by an underlying apprehension. "Sebastian, my darling, we know this is sudden, and I'm sorry we didn't discuss it with you beforehand. But we genuinely believe this will be good for you."

Sebastian's shoulders slumped, the weight of the situation pressing upon him like an oppressive burden. He reached out, his fingers clenching tightly around the suitcase handle, the coolness of the metal grounding him to the stark reality of the imminent changes. A heavy sigh escaped his lips, the weariness resonating within the exhalation.

"And here I was, foolishly hoping for a relaxing summer," he replied, his tone marked by resignation, tinged with a trace of frustration. His gaze shifted from his mother's anxious countenance to the open suitcase before him, an empty vessel that symbolized the upheaval awaiting him. The notion of leaving behind his familiar world, even if only temporarily, settled in his chest like an unwelcome guest.

His mother's smile quivered a dance of anxiety and determination in her eyes. "Sebastian," she began, her voice a blend of tenderness and urgency, "we understand this is sudden, but time is of the essence. We need to leave early in the morning for Valor Academy."

Furrowing his brows, Sebastian displayed a flicker of resistance on his features. "So soon?" he questioned, disbelief evident in his tone. He glanced at the empty suitcase, its hollowness serving as a stark reminder of the life he was about to abandon.

His mother nodded, her expression revealing a mix of concern and anticipation. "I know it feels overwhelming, but we believe this is an opportunity for you, Sebastian. Valor Academy can provide the guidance and support you need."

Sebastian's gaze shifted from his mother's hopeful eyes to the vacant suitcase beside him. He emitted a deep sigh, a tempest of emotions stirring within him. So, this was the true purpose behind it all. His parents thought that this school would somehow alleviate his melancholy. Reluctantly, he reached out and accepted the weight of the suitcase, its presence solidifying the reality of his impending departure.

"Fine," he acquiesced, resignation tainting his voice. "I suppose I'll start packing tonight, then." He paused, his eyes meeting his mother's, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "But I hope this so-called 'superhero' school has some decent music. Can't save the world without a good soundtrack, right?"

A chuckle escaped his mother's lips, a mixture of relief and affection softening her features. "Oh, I'm sure they do, Sebastian. And who knows, you might even find fellow music enthusiasts who share your taste."

Sebastian's smile widened slightly, a glimmer of hope breaking through the layers of despondency. He nodded, a newfound determination flickering within his gaze. "Well then, I guess I better make sure to pack my headphones too. Can't face the world without my soundtrack."

His words carried a bittersweet undertone, blending humor with resignation, as he grappled with the impending changes.

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