|Chapter 43|Series of Forgiveness

Start from the beginning

I didn't say anything but I knew who it was. I waited for her to say anything. After a little moment of silence, she finally spoke

"How's Shiza?"

Her voice was a little confused. I turned to Zarnish before answering curtly

"She's ok."

I could a shadow of sadness in her eyes at my curt response. But what can I do? She was treating Shiza unfairly. I didn't expect it from her. Not out of all people.

She cleared her throat before again speaking

"I know what you must be thinking. I'm sorry for the way things turned out or the way I acted."

Her voice held remorse. But I didn't say anything. I just need some time alone to myself. But she had other motives because next she says

"Shah Zain, I need to make a confession..."

"You did what!"

My voice rose unintentionally. But I couldn't handle the shock. It was outrageous. I was not believing my ears. How could she do that? Her eyes were down in shame before she slightly nodded her head.

I scoffed before running a hand through my fingers. It's such a mess. I turned to Zarnish before asking her coldly

"Are you even listening to yourself? You're saying that it was you who added herbs in the soup?"

She looked up and stared dead in my eyes. Her eyes were shiny with tears and once a time, I could kill someone for bringing tears in her eyes but now I was only disappointed.

She began speaking again

"I...I just couldn't see you with her. You were supposed to be with me."

I totally lost it at this point.

"You were the one who stopped me that day when I was confessing our love to dado. Now that I am happily married, you are saying you can't see me with anyone else. Then why didn't you fight for your relationship?"

I just had so much questions bottled up that they all burst out. Zarnish closed her eyes but opening then again.

This time, they were drowned in guilt, remorse and regret. She spoke up with only guilt coated voice

"I stopped you because I thought that you weren't steady enough in your career to handle a wife. I didn't want to spend my wife on risks. You were not ready to take responsibilities and I feared that it might affect us in the future."

I was stunned after hearing that. I expected many reasons but this was the least expected. She really thought about me like that. Did she not know me?

I was unable to form words. I just couldn't say anything. I took a step back but she stepped forwards and clarified

"Shah Zain, I know I did wrong. I'm so sorry. You don't know how much I regretted my actions. It was all my fault to not take a stand for our relationship. It's all my fault. But please forgive me. I won't come between your relationship ever again. But just please forgive me."

I kept looking at her trying to pinpoint where did I go wrong? I always like her and she thought that low of me. If she had only told me about her fears, I would have taken action. But its too late now.

Also, I got such a beautiful wife in return. I couldn't be anymore grateful for it. She was the most pure person and I'm so lucky to have her in my life. She's the light of my darkness.

Zarnish was still looking at me with hopeful eyes. But it was too much. I need time to process it. I just can't forgive her like that.

So, I took a deep breath before speaking

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