Chapter 5

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I feel like I should chill out with the action scenes. (一  一  ; )ゞ


Tsukauchi's POV

"Step on it!"

Several 119 calls were made at pretty much the same time and were still coming. Since whatever's happening is blowing up into a pretty big deal, the police number was contacted as well.

So now, I found myself speeding towards the emergency in a squad car. I wasn't driving myself, but was still feeling a massive sense of urgency.

Arriving at the scene, I couldn't believe my eyes.

There was a ton of wreckage in the middle of the street, preventing us from going any further. It was still flaming despite the firefighters' best efforts at the moment, but they were at least succeeding in putting out other fires in surrounding buildings.

Mouth agape in shock, I slowly stepped out of the car. I walked amongst the chaos, taking in the terrifying sights and sounds.

There were people lying in stretchers who were either unconscious or screaming in pain. I saw one man who was covered in blood, clutching his nearly severed arm in agony. There was even a woman sitting on her knees, cradling the dead body of who I presume was her husband.

An officer ran up to me. "Sir! Eyewitness accounts say there was a white-haired boy with that villain. Could it be the kid that was in the station?"

I furrowed my brows in thought. "We'll see." I walked away, wanting to see more of the crime scene before I suspected anything.

I stepped over chunks of metal and concrete, trying not to trip on the totaled road. I narrowly avoided a burst of fire that suddenly flared up in the wreckage next to me. I patted out the small fire that managed to catch on to my coat.

The firefighters were finally able to get ahold of something that was able to put out the raging vehicle fires, so they were quickly extinguished.

I had to climb over a huge piece of metal that I'm pretty sure was the downed helicopter's tail. Carefully making my way around the warped wreck to where the windshield should be, there were bloody bodies of soldiers lying inside and hanging out of the chopper.

I felt like throwing up at the smell of burning meat that still lingered. The remaining smoke clogged my nostrils, but I kept walking.

I got to the broken windshield, waving away wisps of smoke and peering inside. What I saw scarred my mind for the rest of my life.

From what I could make out between the flashes of the red alarm light, there was the body of the pilot sitting in the scorched cockpit. Their body was riddled with shards of glass and metal, half of it being charred to black.

Broken bones jutted out of ripped skin in various places, and their horribly mangled right leg was hanging on by only a couple tendons. Their head was bowed, blood dripping from their helmet to the floor with a sickening drip drip sound.

But then their body fell to the side against the blocked door, so I was able to see their face. Their lips were burned off, stretching their mouth into a permanent toothy smile. Their cheeks were also somehow sliced open, allowing me to see more of their long rows of teeth.

Blood ran from the bullet hole in their forehead down their face. The most disturbing part, though, was easily their eyes.

Since their eyes had been rolled to the back of their head, the shock of hitting their head when the body fell caused them to roll forward.

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