Chapter 4

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The pure serotonin I get from this video...(ノ﹏ヽ)

Credit: Eupholie on yt

I'm back! Let's do this. >:D


Killua's POV

All seemed peaceful. Dabi and I steadily cruised down the road and relished the calm silence. Until a sudden question popped in my head.

"By the way, do you have a home base?"

Dabi looked over at me from the passenger seat. He had his hands behind his head and feet crossed on the dashboard. "Depends. Do you?"

I shook my head. "I got nothin'."

"In that case, I know a place. It's beat up and a little smelly, but it's home."

"Great. Where is it?"

Dabi's look morphed into one of slight offense and confusion. "Why would I let you into my house? I barely know you don't I?"

I stared at him with the same look. "Well, first of all-"

I was cut off by a loud thup thup thup noise. I'd recognize that sound anywhere. Using En to make sure I was right, I groaned.

I can't catch a damn break lately!

"Do you hear that?" Dabi wondered aloud.

"Yes." I grumbled lowly.

"STOP THE VEHICLE OR WE WILL OPEN FIRE!" A voice boomed from the helicopter outside.

Grabbing the gear shift, I cranked it to 4th. I quickly pulled on my seatbelt and buckled in. Dabi, seeing what I was doing, did the same.

"What's going on?!" Dabi shouted, clearly starting to panic a little.


"Hold onto your ass." With that, I put the car into full throttle. We sped down the road, weaving between the surprisingly few cars on the road.

Dabi immediately started screaming. "HOLY SHIT!"

"STOP!" True to their word, the helicopter started firing at us. Small dust clouds and sizeable dents were left where the bullets struck the asphalt.

I quickly glanced out the window and gritted my teeth. These people are crazy!

I literally just killed a few people and they're trying to kill me already? Nothing really out of the ordinary, but I thought these people made murder illegal.

Looks like someone's mad. (ʃƪ¬‿¬)

(A/N: He thoroughly enjoys pissing people off.)

I banked a hard left, the car's tires screeching on the road. The helicopter did the same, following us from the air.

At some point, Dabi's screams of terror turned into laughter. I looked over to find him clutching his stomach and curled up, wheezing.

The chopper was still firing at us despite the other cars on the road. We were driving at around 97 kph (60 mph) and were still building speed.

I felt a couple bullets hit the back of the car. One shattered the rear windshield. "Dabi, get up! Help me out here!"

He didn't seem to hear me over the gunfire and kept laughing. "Dabi!" No response. I gritted my teeth and a tick mark appeared on my head.

I reached over and smacked him over the head with a fist. "Ow, what the hell?!"

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