Chapter 1

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3rd Person POV

All Killua could see was darkness.

He was surrounded by the purple-ish black fog that had consumed his felt like he was floating in nothing.

This is kinda surreal, he thought.

The darkness was oddly warm, and Killua found himself drifting in and out of a comfortable sleep.

He didn't know how long he was peacefully floating there. It could've been hours.



All he knew was that after a time, he felt a sudden tug on his body.

An area of the fog far in front of him started swirling, forming what looked like a sort of portal. Yet, he couldn't see what was on the other side.

He felt another jerk, and his body started rushing towards the black circle. He braced himself for impact as he drew closer and closer.

At the USJ

Aizawa's POV

A purple-ish black substance began forming in the center of the USJ. It expanded and took the shape of a circle with jagged, wispy edges.

People started filing out of the portal, all shapes, sizes, and most importantly, abilities.

What the hell?

I was immediately on edge. My body tensed, already preparing for a fight.

The person leading the advance was a tall lanky man with shaggy pale blue hair. The most interesting feature about him was the disembodied hand covering his face.

Immediately after him followed a huge beast with black skin wearing nothing but some tan pants. It had a bird-like beak lined with razor-sharp teeth, and it had an exposed brain atop its head with bulging eyeballs.

Its body looked like it was ready to burst at the seams, and I cringed. It was pretty obvious who these guys were. As my students wondered what was happening, I yelled,

"Stay back, those are real villains!"

After a few more exchanged words, I leapt into action, taking down villains left and right.

Fast forward one crazy teleporting fiasco and one hell of a beating later, the rest of the UA staff showed up and forced the villains to retreat.

Snipe managed to get one more shot in before Shigaraki was teleported away.

Before I could be taken out of the building, the air a few meters away from the bottom of the stairs started to warp.

A few of my students noticed my attention was drawn back to the floor and turned around. They gasped when another portal started to form, and I internally groaned.

Aw, shit. Here we go again.

They set me down and got into battle stances, preparing for the worst. All I could really do was watch, much to my displeasure.

The portal flickered and seemed to grow in size a little before it spat out a person head first.

He let out a short yell, but was cut off as he hit the ground. While he still had momentum, he put his hands above his head to catch himself and quickly twisted his body in a fashion that flipped him back to his feet.

Getting a good look at him, he didn't seem too extraordinary. He had fluffy white hair, light blue eyes, and couldn't have been older than my own students.

Killer's Desire (HxH x BNHA)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora