Unfinished Business: Chapter 8

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Mark's POV

"AAAAAAAaaaAaAaAAAAA" Haechan screamed waking us all up

"The heck, bro" Jaemin complained, rubbing his eyes

All of us drank last night, celebrating each of our success and we decided to hit it up at Renjun's apartment. Haechan and Jaemin slept on the couch, Jisung, Renjun, and Chenle on the floor, while I slept beside the restroom door in case I threw up.

None of us managed to walk in Renjun's guest rooms so we ended up here at the living room including the owner.

"What the..." Chenle pushed his hair back

"J- Jeno..." Haechan stuttered

"Why" Jaemin glared

"He- He..."

Jaemin then jokingly, slapped Haechan's head

"He's back"

"Who is?" I asked, not getting what they are saying

"Jeno is back" I froze

Silence took over the place after Haechan announced it

"So? Are they already here?" Jaemin asked

"He's still in LAX" Haechan replied

My mind went blank after the sudden news of Jeno's return and possibly... hers too. But, her life's already settled there right? So it's unlikely for her to come with Jeno. Nevertheless, I'm gonna use this chance to clear Jeno and mine's scrapped friendship.

"Clear your schedules for today then, guys. We're picking that man up from the airport later" Jaemin said

"Roger that, captain!" Chenle and Jisung answered in sync while the rest of the boys just nodded

"Mark?" Jaemin came closer to me and placed his hand on the top of my shoulders

"Y-Yes?" I hesitantly answered

"You're coming right?" He raised his eyebrows

"Of course. I have to" I stood up and was about to go inside the bathroom when Haechan suddenly said something

"She'll be there"


Giselle's POV

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Incheon International Airport. Local time is 4 am and the temperature is 32°C. For your safety and comfort..."

I can't believe I'm finally back. How long has it been since I last stepped a foot in this country? Right, 7 years. I was 19 when I left and I'm now 26. Which leaves me one step closer to finally becoming a lawyer. And this time around, our family is completely coming back.

"Jeno" Jeno oppa yelped in pain as I pinched his arm


"Aeri, I noticed you seldomly call Jeno oppa these past years" Yuta oppa then interrupted

"This kid shouldn't have fled to the States because look what happened! She became violent and stopped..." he stopped on his tracks when I raised a hand

"Kids, quiet down" mom warned us

Jeno oppa side eyed me while Yuta oppa just chuckled

"Is someone picking us up?" I asked

"I think the boys and girls?" he answered unsurely

"What did I expect from you?" I rolled my eyes

"Children, you can go straight to your friends. We have someone to get our luggage" dad told us

We were about to sprint after being allowed to go down but...

"No running or you three will be getting your luggage yourselves" mom with her threatenings

I put on my hoodie while my brothers followed behind my back like bodyguards. After a few moments of walking, I could finally hear familiar screams.

"GISELLEEEEEEEEEE" I would bet millions that it was Ning Yizhuo's voice which I heard the loudest.

They drowned me with their hugs until I hear another familiar voices

"Bro, over here!" then I saw Jeno ran up to them, his friends

Perhaps, is he also here?

Wait... who is that boy behind Chenle looking down? Then it came to me after I saw the cap that person was wearing. It was the one I gave Mark... so he's really here

Come on, Gi! He's your brother's friend, of course he'll be here.

or I just mistaken it for someone? Kind of impossible though, that cap is the only one in the world... it was customized for our anniversary

I hate how I'm so affected by that mere cap that could be made by anyone

I didn't realize I was thinking about it so deep until Haechan elbowed me
"Earth to Heda, Giselle" all I could reply was a simple "oh..." before he jumped into me for a hug

The rest then followed to hug me and I just know I looked forward to what he would do. Then finally, it was his turn. I can see that he hesitated but hugged me tightly nevertheless.

"How are you?" I asked him after pulling from the hug

"I'm good, love- ahh ah I mean- Giselle" I just chuckled for his response but deep inside I almost melted

"Sorry" he applied a sad face while looking down again

"It's all in the past, Mark... I'm totally fine with it now. We can be friends again"
"But not like before..."
"I can't force myself to be like before, Markie"
"I know, I understand"

I was planning to cheer him up seeing how sad he is but my asshole brother interrupted my brilliant plan

"Hey Mark..."

Yuta pulled me aside to give the two friends some privacy "That plan of yours isn't really brilliant, sis" Well, I thought so... but, WAIT WHAT?? HOW DID HE EVEN KNOW I THOUGHT OF THAT?

"That puzzled face will always get me hahaha I know you very well, little missy"

"Be better with your expressions next time" he added before ruffling my head then continued catching up with his friends

He's barely living in this country yet he has the most friends out of us three

"He has connections" someone whispered to me
"Jeno, stop teasing your sister" mom then screamed from afar

Geez, what's with my brothers after landing here. This place is like waking up their "reading face" ability which I obviously isn't good at but thankfully, because of the blood that is running through me, I could still do it

Out of exhaustiveness, I just glared at him

Seeing Jeno talking with Mark makes me anxious because he was so mad about the incident before. I want to know what they're gonna talk about for my ease but I decided not to eavesdrop. I'll just ask Jeno later on. And from the looks of it, I don't have to worry because Jeno's expression is calm so far. Hope they'll fix their friendship soon though I still feel guilty for being the cause of it.

"Aeri looks like she's tired. We probably should go now since it looks like uncle and aunty are already done with the luggages" Renjun spoke

Thank god, this guy is an angel sent from above

I was about to hop in the van when someone from the other car called me

"Giselle... welcome back" he said before closing the door of the other van

I looked around the surroundings...

Welcome back indeed

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