Unfinished Business: Chapter 4

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A week later~

Jeno's POV

I'm in the bar with Karina. It may be suspicious why there are only the two of us here, but we've been doing these since middle school. I won't lie, Karina is beautiful, I couldn't help but stare at her most of the time whenever we're together. Instead of looking for a boyfriend, she mostly spends her time with her friends, including me.

Don't she have a plan of committing?

But I'm glad she's still not interested, maybe I can grab my chance soon. But first, I need to take care of Giselle's situation.

The two of us were just constantly talking when we saw Mark enter. He didn't notice us and just ordered some drinks while looking at the girls dancing almost naked on the dance floor. I haven't talked to Mark this week, I'm still fuming mad about what happened. So whenever I see him during our squad's hangout, I started clenching my fists. The other boys understood and didn't force us to reconcile in the meantime.


I turned my head to Karina

"did you see that?" she continued

I nodded

After nodding, I turned my head back to Mark's direction and saw him kissing the girls who were dancing earlier. I was about to go to them when Karina grabbed my arms.

"Let's go" then she dragged me out of the club

Once we entered the car, I immediately tried calling Giselle, but she won't answer. So I told Karina to text her.

"Text her, Rina"

"...then I'll send you home after" I added while starting the car

"No, oppa" she resisted

"I'll go with you"


Karina started texting Giselle while I drove faster

"Oppa, slow down" she put her hands on top of mine

"Sorry" I glanced at her

Giselle's POV

I was studying for the upcoming test when I received a received and ALL CAPS text from Karina.




After being anxious about her texts, I dialed her number

"Rina, what's wrong?" I asked worriedly

"Break up with Mark as soon as possible, Gi" I heard Jeno oppa also muttering something from the other line

"Can you explain to me first?" I requested

"We saw him ki-" Jeno oppa was cut of by Karina

"Focus on driving please" Karina warned him

"Please continue..." I told her

"We saw Mark today at the club, kissing girls who were dancing at the dance floor" Karina explained

"Maybe you saw it wrong, Rina" I tried to assure her

"Gi, just wait for us, we're coming" Jeno oppa said before hanging up

I put down the phone after the call ended. They didn't answer me when I asked if the one they saw is Mark. I know this moment will come, but I still have a little hope that the one oppa and Rina saw is just similar to Mark.

But despite having a tiny bit of hope, I can't stop my tears from coming out of my eyes. I'm broken-hearted again for the nth time this year. I just let my streaming tears and broke down, not minding my tears wetting the books I studied earlier.

After crying for half an hour, Jeno oppa and Karina arrived

"GI!' I heard them slam the door downstairs

While I heard their footsteps coming here, I quickly wiped my tears

When they were finally in front of my door, they stumbled while fighting on who's to enter first. That was funny, but I'm not in the mood to laugh right now.

"OPPA, GET OUT OF THE WAY!" Karina angrily tried to push Jeno

"YAH! I'M OLDER THAN YOU!" Jeno shouted back

Instead of comforting me, it looks like I will be the one who needs to calm them. But before I stand up, the two of them were already done bickering.

"You should be thankful I let you first this time" oppa said while dusting his shirt

"Says the one who's only months older than me..." Karina uttered

"You should be the thankful one because I call you with respect despite our gap" she raised her voice this time while trying to slap oppa's shoulders

Jeno oppa avoided her slaps and they started focusing on me


I looked up to him while forcing a smile

"Oppa, can you tell me what bar Mark is in right now?" I asked


"I want to talk to him" I replied

Oppa just looked away

"Not now, Gi" Karina told me

"You will get hurt once you see him do those disgusting things" she continued

"Please..." I pleaded

"Alright" oppa looked back

"Let's go" then he stood up

We went to the car and headed to the bar. When we arrived, I immediately saw Mark already hooking up.

I walked to him


Chapter 5 will be later >_<

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