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Giselle's POV

"Let's break up, Mark" was the last thing I told him before I left


Mark and I are not on good terms lately. We keep fighting because of his attitude. When I would bring up Herin's name in our arguments, he would always defend her and tell me who I am to say that. He always does that. Drunk or not.

But isn't it better to hear him say that while he's drunk? Drunk talks are somehow what you want to say. He would always drink just to forget about his ex. But about me who keeps understanding him?

He and I have been dating for already 2 years. I was 17 and he was 19. That was a year after Herin dumped him after aborting their baby. They dated from their first year of middle school until they were 18. And Mark still loves her until now. He may not say it himself, but people around me including me know that.

My friends keep telling me to break up with him because I look so helpless ever since I found out Mark is still sending his ex messages for over a year. I have always known about the messages, and he would always ask forgiveness from me. I love him so much so I just forgive him every time.

"Gi, you should just break up with him" my friend, Karina said

"I can't..." I replied

"I love him so much" I continued

"You love him so much to the point that you don't care about your feelings anymore" Ningning spoked

"Why would he ask you out in the first place when he still hasn't got over with his ex yet" she resumed

"It's like he's using you as a rebound" Karina uttered

"Ning, Rina..." Winter tried to shut them up

I just stared at the ground

"Gi..." Karina held my hands

"We need to tell Jeno oppa this time" she extended

Winter and Ningning nodded

"We need more time, guys" I said

"I'll make it up with him" I tried to persuade them

"No, Gi..." I looked at Ningning

"We're telling him this time" she persists in

"Please..." I begged them

"Once Jeno oppa finds out, Yuta oppa will too" I said worried

Yuta and Jeno are my brothers. Jeno is only my half brother but we've been together since we were young, so we treat each other like real siblings. He introduced Mark to me. When Mark asked me to be his girlfriend, Yuta oppa disagreed at first since I and Mark didn't meet for that long yet. But thanks to Jeno's help, he finally agreed. Jeno is also a close friend of Mark with 5 others.

When Karina was about to get her phone to inform Jeno oppa. I got a phone call...from Mark


"Hello, Giselle" that voice isn't Mark's

"Who is this?" I asked

"I'm Renjun" the person on the phone answered

Oh? It's their close friend

Noticing the silence, Renjun continued speaking

"Can you pick Mark up, Giselle? He's drunk right now" he said

"Please text me the address, I'm on my way" I hung up after

When I grabbed my bag and keys, the girls asked where am I going.

"Where are you going, Gi?"

"Mark's drunk, I'm picking him up" I replied

"Drunk on broad daylight? Really?" Karina asked in disbelief

"Boys are the ones who are supposed to pick the girls up, but why is it the other round for you two?" Ningning said with displeasure 

I looked at Winter and she just nods

Winter is not like Karina and Ningning, she respects every decision I make even though she doesn't like it.

"I need to go" I bid them goodbye 

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