Chapter 12- A few years ago

Start from the beginning


"Hey gentleman! Coffee for you." Aarushi passed the coffee to Aryan who was busy in revising his notes.

"Thanks! You are best dude!"

"I know, duuuddee." Both laughed.

"So what are we going to revise today?"

"Umm....I think reflection chapter?"

"Hmm okay."

Aarushi took her seat.

"You know what Aarushi" Aryan said taking a sip of coffee,"You are the first person who is both my competitor as well as my study partner."

"Hehe, yeah you too. But still I'll be at the first place."

"In your dreams, of course."




"So what do you want to say?"


"I got 96.7% and you 96.4." Aryan teased.

"So what? It's approximately same." Aarushi protested.

"Yeah exactly, approximately, not exact." He laughed.

"Shut up, you fool."


"I did it in 7 months and you in a year okay."



"Hey Aryan."

"Hey dude. What did you want to say."


"Very funny." Aryan rolled his eyes, "say now?"

"Actually Aryan..." She held his hands and closed her eyes, "Do you like me? Please say yes because I do!"


"Hey" the message popped across the screen.


"How are you?"

"Now great :)"

"Hehe free this evening?"


"Just a treat."

"Treat or date?"

"Whatever you want to think."

"I am blushing!"

"Me too!"


"You want to go for movie today?"

"Which one madame?"

"That's a surprise!"

"Okay then, how can I say no?"


They smiled, laughed together, held hands and hugged each other. Studied together, competed but still always with each other.

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