wifey susan and abandonment issues

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"Congratulations, Shay. I was wrong about you and your place here, obviously, and I appreciate all of the help you've given us and our troops." He said genuinely, making me wave my hand dismissively.

"Cut that out, Peter. You're perfectly fine, I can promise that." He gave me another smile and grabbed Lucy's hand to dance with her, making the younger girl smile brightly at the time she gets to spend with her brother.

I looked on with a bittersweet smile before I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder. I didn't need to turn to see who it was, as I rested my head on top of it. Edmund chuckled from behind me before moving to stand in front. He grabbed my hand and smoothly bowed as he placed a kiss on it, making me blush.

"Darling, would you like to dance with me?" He asked with a hint of a joke in his tone. I rolled my eyes playfully but nodded, letting him pull me onto the dance floor as a slow song began. We waltzed around the room, catching most of the attention from those around us. I guessed it was because of the ring around my neck that I hadn't taken off, which Edmund noticed as well.

"You still are wearing it." He narrowed his eyes at my neck in thought, making my blush heighten as I shrugged.

"Why would I take it off? You gave it to me." I said honestly, feeling much less tense about the jewelry now that the threat was gone. He tried to hide a smile, but failed as I saw the quirk of his lips.

"Well, you don't need to protect yourself with it anymore, so I would've thought you would take it off," he inquired quietly. I smiled up at him and shook my head, tightening my hold on his hand.

"I know I may not be ready for what may come with it, but I do like the ring. It's pretty, and it reminds me of my first adventure in Narnia." I said earnestly, making him give me a charming smile and twirl me. My dress flowed around me as I did, making my smile brighten.

When he brought me back in, I caught the eye of Aslan over Edmund's shoulder, the lion nodding for me to join him on the balcony. I looked back to the dark-haired king, him already giving me a knowing look as he pulled away from me and bowed. "Go see him, love. We can finish our dance later." And with that I strode across the room and to the balcony.

The lion was looking up at the stars when I approached, following his line of sight. Even though I had seen it before, the Narnian night sky was always a jaw-dropping sight. I heard his deep chuckle next to me, a flush returning to my face.

"I'm guessing you know why I called you out here, Shay." He said gently, making me nod.

"Are you going to tell me why I was brought here? From another country, time period, and universe?" I said desperately, the lion next to me giving me a reassuring smile.

"I promise you, everything I have ever done has had its reasons. Yes, it was a new experience for everyone having you here, but I knew it would be best for everyone involved. The Pevensies would have someone they can trust outside of their family that doesn't exist solely in Narnia, restoring their faith in those around them. The Narnians were saved because of your selflessness and fierce dedication to protecting them, because of what you knew before...and then, you."

I paused, looking at him with a puzzled look. "What do you mean, then me?"

He sighed with a hurt look in his golden eyes. "Shay, I know of your past, and I know of your present where you're from. With your parents, the rest of your family...someone else you would rather not mention in your past..." At the mention, I felt a fearful shiver run down my spine. "I know the pain you have endured, young one. It is something no one should ever deal with at such a young age, and I apologize for that being the fate that the universe gave you. I brought you here, so you would be safe from it all. I know that your future in that world would be very similar to your past, and it broke my heart. I couldn't bear it." He explained, heartache laced within his voice.

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