Chapter 3

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Miles and I stood tensely outside of the fanciest restaurant in New York City. Jean-Georges. Even with mine and Miles' money put together, we wouldn't be able to afford a side.

"We'll just tell them we already ate." Miles mumbled.

"Yeah." I agreed. "But we could also order a water. Surely it shouldn't be more than ten bucks."

"Yeah." Miles agreed.

We both walked in with suits. Not our everyday Spider-Man suit, but your every day office suit and tie.

The man at the host station smiled and waved at us when we walked in. "Good day, gentleman, do you have a reservation?"

I shrugged. "We are here on the behalf of John Kent Adams."

"Ah yes, the penthaus dining suite." The man waved for us. "Follow me."

I followed the man as Miles fell in from behind. We were escorted to a huge elevator, more than twenty-five grown men could've filled the thing. If took roughly fifteen minutes to reach the top floor, and it was only a fifteen story building.

As the doors opened, there were very few tables filling the seating area. Soft music filled the room. In the far corner, over looking central park, MJ and John sat beside each other laughing.

Miles looked at me. "I don't like this Pete."

"Neither do I." I walked forward towards the table.

MJ noticed us and nudged John. He stood, reaching his hand out to help MJ stand. That was my job.

"Welcome," He had a slight British accent. "You must be Miles Morales and Peter Parker."

Both Miles and I nod.

"Pleasure to meet you." Miles shook John's hand. I just nod as Miles starts to sit.

I started to reach over to help MJ sit, but John had already helped her. Holding my breath to calm down, I sat back down. John mentioned towards MJ.

"Mary Jane has said great things about you two."

I nodded, trying to stay casual. MJ couldn't stop smiling at John. It was bothering me, making my skin itch and my hands ball into tight fists below the table. I sense Miles discomfort growing from my tension.

"Oh really?" I asked, giving a look towards MJ. Her smile faded, just a bit.

"Yeah!" John exclaimed. "She said you two have done great big things! Especially at FEAST. The city owes you two a great debt for everything you have done."

"We're just here to help people. Change a few lives here and there." Miles tried ease the situation building up inside of me.

"Good hearts, you two. Are you two fans of Spider-Man?" John asked.

Before either of us could reply, MJ spoke up. "Absolutely not. They think the Spider-Men terrorize the city, Peter even had a theory that our villains are magnetic to the so called heroes. If they disappear, then maybe our problems will too."

John sighed with a large smile. "Ah, good. I hate vigilantes. Law and order. The only way to protect a fair city such as New York!"

MJ mouth a "I'm sorry" look towards Miles and I.

"We couldn't agree more!" I said, sarcastically. Miles nodding slowly.

I needed this conversation to be over. And what was up with MJ? She has acted differently.

"Ah, dinner is served." John watched as multiple waitresses and waited brought out large, exotic trays to our abnormally large table of four.

It smelled so good, and I realized I haven't ate anything all day. Miles and I had to blow some nerves swinging through the city after the invitation to dinner. We could have used another hour or two of swinging through the city because our nerves were definitely still here.

Miles barely touched his food, keeping himself busy. I sat there, watching MJ and John have a conversation that was a little two quiet for my liking.

"So, you know MJ and I have known each other for years." I mention. Miles chokes on his food beside me.

"Oh boy." He mumbled.

"Couldn't remember a time I didn't know you." I looked at MJ. "Right?"

"Absolutely. Peter and I have had off and on relationships since high school. But now we're happily together." MJ smiled, reaching her hand across the table. The first gesture towards me tonight.

"Ah, that is lovely. Peter, you have such an amazing woman at your side. Any plans for a child?" John asked.

"Whoa!" I gasped in surprise. "We don't want kids right now."

"We're not even married. It wouldn't be right." MJ chuckled.

I could've gagged myself after seeing the reaction of John's face when MJ mentioned the whole "not married" news. Should I pop the question to take John out of the picture? No, that would be the wrong reason and this obviously isn't the right time. Focus Peter.

"Sad, if I had a woman this remarkable, I would snatch her up and take her as a bride." John laughed and then joked, "how does Mary Jane Adams sound? I'm hilarious."

Miles eyes went wide as he looked at me. "Shoot, Peter, look at the time. We have a meeting at FEAST."

I didn't realize I was sweating and shaking with anger until Miles mentioned my name. I shook my head, and suddenly I went from seeing red to seeing normalcy. I nodded. "Right, we have to go."

We stood up and Miles pointed up. I knew what he meant. Let's go to the roof, change out of these clothes, and do some Spidey work to cook off. See people, this is why Miles and I get along. We're like brothers, having each other's backs.

MJ gave me a nasty look as I waved goodbye and followed Miles to the elevator.

In the distance, I could hear MJ mutter words under her breath. "I apologize for them, something must've bit Peter in the ass."

Taking a deep breath, I turned around and glared at MJ from the elevator. As the doors shut, she noticed and her smile faded into a small frown.

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