Chapter 4

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"Aghhhh!" I screamed from the roof. My mask muffled my voice a bit.

Miles was in the upper side of the city, while I was in charge of the lower side. We didn't want to split up, in fact, we wanted to rant about that stupid dinner and that stupid man.

I wanted to beat someone. Not to death, because that's not who I am, but I wanted to destroy something. So why not go to the old burned building where I saved Miles and Aunt May. Perfect.

I grabbed old chunks of concrete and slammed them into walls. Creaks and moans from the building echoed with each punch, kick, and throw that came at it. Suddenly, the side of the building collapsed. I smiled.

Although this wasn't satisfying enough. But suddenly, all good satisfying things must come to an end. Police sirens filled the air.

I started to swing throughout the city, following the sirens. They grew louder and louder until I perched myself on the ledge of the building across the street.

"Release the hostages and we can talk!" The captain yelled through a megaphone.

As I leaned forward, I gasped at the sight that I saw. I knew New York's new police captain was a guy named Stacy. But I thought that was his first name. But not this man. This man I knew too well.

This man was blonde, had a deep voice, wears a wedding ring, and was the height of no other than George Stacy. Gwen's dad.

They moved out of New York after Gwen graduated so her mother's parents could have help on their farm. During that time, Gwen left for Oxford in England. But to me, she chose Europe. Apparently, the Stacy's missed the city. But if George Stacy is back and taken back his old job before Yuri got it, does that mean Gwen is back? Oh no.

For those of you who are just now reading this. Gwen was my first love. She was beautiful. Hazel eyes, blonde, almost white, hair, and a beautiful smile that could lighten up anyone's world.

Before MJ and I were ever in a serious relationship, I was with Gwen. This was when MJ and I were best friends. But Gwen got caught in a battle with Green Goblin and almost lost her life. I loved her too much to lose her, so I had to end it. Gwen hated me for it, but she was alive and that's all I cared about.

Focusing myself back into reality and out of my mind, a shootout between the police and the suspects erupted below me. Cursing myself for not helping before I got lost in my memory of Gwen, I dove down and landed hard. The ground cracking just a bit.

"Look! The Spider-Man is here! The OG!" One police officer shouted. I winked at him.

I burst through the broken glass, dodging the bullets midair. On the inside of the lobby, five guys held four people hostage. One of the guys was a brute, with a machine gun.

"Oh, a big man, you guys make me miss Willie!" I joked.

"Get him!" One guy said.

"Watch his webs!" Another added.

They all started shooting at me while I dodged in mid air. I launched myself into the brute, knocking him off balance and allowing me to do some of my special work.

I easily webbed one guy into the wall nearby. The next I punched with my left, then my right, and did a fast spin around to side kick him from the back. He flew forward, knocked out cold.

Three guys left. By now, the brute was already up and allowing a charge build up in his gun. Then he started to shoot. I dodged until his gun ran out. I switched my gadgets to electricity webs and webbed the remaining three men. I web shot myself across the room to kick the brute down. He fell with the thud but still conscious and kicking. So I continued to punch and kick until I saw he eyes roll backwards. He was finally out like a light.

I turned around to see the two recover of the electricity and I started webbing them down. The first one, I swung around the room and slammed him into the wall where he hung like a picture frame. The last one I punched into the air and kicked him to the side.

Now all of them were knocked out cold, or trying to break free from my webs. I cocked my head to the side and stood menacingly over the conscious guys I webbed to the wall. "Why were you guys here?"

"As a distraction." The guy mumbled. "I was only paid to be here."

"By who?" I asked.

"I don't want to go to jail, I needed the money." The guy pleaded.

"I know the caption, I'll put in a good word if you tell me who!" I raised my voice a bit louder.

"Alright alright alright! I don't know his real name, but he goes by 'Project Le-Roi'. It's French meaning for 'the King's." The man sighed. "Now can you please let me go."

I pointed my finger and waved it back and forth, clicking my tongue against my teeth. "Nah, you see, I never said I'd let you go. But I'll make sure the captain knows you gave vital details."

The man started to yelled as I walked out of the building. Paramedics were already inside checking on the people as I walked forward towards Captain Stacy.

"Why did you turn me down?" I asked.

George looked up at me and folded his arms against his chest. "Yuri trust you, look where that got her."

"I didn't cause her to do anything," I mentioned. But I could tell George wouldn't change his mind. Although it wouldn't hurt to keep trying. "I need back in so I don't miss crimes."

"Sorry, I cannot risk my life or my men's life. I won't take that chance like Yuri did," George leaned in and whispered, "Peter."

Surprise! He also knows I'm Spider-Man. I had to tell him so he could save my life while I fought Vulture all those years ago.

"Look Mr. Stacy," I walked forward, "I have help now from the other Spider-Man, the chances of you losing the amount of men like Yuri did with me, are incredibly lower."

George stood up as he walked over towards his car and I followed. He looked around to make sure we were far away enough from everyone. "You know that's not the reason I want your help, Pete."

"Then what is it?" I asked, but I had a gut feeling I already knew the answer.

"My little girl Gwen. You promised me to keep her out of it. I won't risk my baby girls life." George started to get his his cruiser.

But I held the door open. "That's why I let her go. I loved your daughter, you know that. I.... Love her."

"That's good to know, now are we done here?" George asked.

I sighed and shook my head feeling defeated. "No, but there is a guy in custody that gave me vital information about their boss so go easy on him."

George nodded and shut his door, but seconds later, he rolled the the window. "You didn't ask, but I can tell on your face. Yes, Gwen is back and yes, she is single. No you cannot date her, again. You're enough danger as is."

Suddenly George drove off as his men out the arrested suspects into perspective vehicles that were headed to Ryker's.

But I couldn't deny the fact that I was excited to know Gwen was back. This could change things.

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