.𝐝𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞.

Start from the beginning

"Your king is an old man now. Age brings its factors. It seems that my body needed a reminder to slow down and take care of itself."

A playful glint sparked in Evangeline's eyes as she leaned back slightly, a mischievous smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Oh, come on, Daddy," she said, her tone filled with mock admonishment. "You're not old. You're just using this as an excuse to take a break and make us all worry."

King Nicholas chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners with amusement. "You've caught me, my dear," he replied, playing along with her teasing. "I must admit, there's nothing quite like a bit of royal drama to keep everyone on their toes."

She reached out and gently poked his arm. "Well, next time, just send a message or something. We don't need all this suspense and drama."

"You're not getting rid of me that easily." King Nicholas laughed heartily, his eyes twinkling with affection as he playfully nudged his daughter's shoulder.

Evangeline couldn't help but giggle at her father's playful response, feeling a sense of relief wash over her.

"I wouldn't dare to try," she replied, returning his playful nudge with a gentle push of her own. "I need my daily dose of royal mischief, after all."

As the laughter subsided, the grand doors swung open once again, revealing Her Royal Majesty, Queen Anastasia. Her eyes widened in surprise as she laid eyes on her daughter standing before her, a radiant smile gracing her face.

"Evangeline!" Queen Anastasia exclaimed, her voice filled with a mix of disbelief and joy. Tears welled up in her eyes as she hurried towards her daughter, her elegant gown swishing with each step.

"Mama," Evie whispered, her voice choked with emotion. She held onto her mother tightly, feeling the love and comfort that only a mother's embrace could provide. At that moment, everything felt complete.

"Oh, my darling, how I've missed you," Queen Isabella murmured, her voice filled with both relief and regret. "I'm sorry for not allowing you to come here the other night. I was only trying to protect you."

Evie assured her that she understood. She knew her mother was the Queen before and then a mother when it came to the judgments for the nation.

Queen Anastasia's eyes softened as she looked at her daughter. She gently cupped Evie's face, her fingers tracing the lines of worry etched on her daughter's features. "You were brilliant at the gala, my love. Radiant, as always."

Evie smiled. She was glad that her mother wasn't' talking about her father's health. Before she arrived, Julian informed her how the King's health had made a bad impact on the Queen. So now that her father was all right, she didn't want to worry her mother anymore.

"Are you not eating well though? What about your sleep? You know you should have an assistant taking care of you all the time."

Evangeline couldn't help but smirk mischievously, her eyes dancing with amusement. "Oh, yes, just like Reynolds, right?"

Her mother tried not to roll her eyes.

"You sent him out of nowhere, mum. Could've at least given me a hint."

"He was one of the best Agents at his firm. Don't know what went wrong." The  Queen stated.

"Pardon me for interrupting, Your Majesty," Edward said respectfully, addressing Queen Anastasia. "But we have the meeting scheduled for now."

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