Chapter 5

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Sinbad blinked the fogginess away. Light from the small circle window poured from outside into the room of scented oils and medicines. The infirmary, judging by all the hanging plants.

He groaned, sitting up as he rubbing his eyes.

"You're awake." A voice, Yamuraiha's, called from the other side of the room. She sat at her desk, quill in hand over a paper. "How'd you sleep?"

Sinbad frowned, his throat itching for water. " long was I out for?" He asked, his voice cracking.

Yam hummed with a shrug. "Hm, about a week or so? The venom took a real toll on you. You were in and out throughout it all."

"Ah. I don't remember anything."

"Side effect, mostly from the venom but also from the medicine. Don't worry, your memories will return soon enough. Nothing special happened anyways. Not that I think."

"You think?"

Sinbad stood up from the bed, finding his legs wobbly.

"I think you're hopeless, yes." Yam tosses Sin a pouch filled with some medicine. "That should hold you over until the side-effects wear off, kay?" 

Sin opens the pouch, finding dried leaves and other ointments inside. With a nod, he tied it around his waistband. "Where are we now?" He questions, pulling on his boots. 

"Think we're closing in on port now, but we haven't decided yet to officially land yet. That's your choice." 

Sinbad only nods back, adjusting his clothing so it looks like he'd never been sleeping. The braids Jafar had put in his hair still were there, tight and nice. He smiled at the fond memory of hair-braiding. 

"Did Jafar visit?" He blurts.

"He did, but not for very long. About an hour a day, which was shorter than most visits." 

"Make's sense." Sinbad pulls over his caption's coat, nodding his thanks to Yam and leaving the infirmary. He traverses the halls of the ship, greeting whoever he sees. Hina asked about his condition, to which he only dismissed his worry with a laugh. The two exit the sleeping quarters, with Hina saying,

"You'd expect someone like me or something to step up and run the ship, but heh, surprisingly, it was-"


Their conversation is cut short by Jafar's yell that sends shivers down Sinbad's spine. 

"You think this is fuck-time, Shark boy? Get your ass back to tightening the sail or so help me I'll cut your penis like a cucumber!" 

Jafar was currently confronting Sharrkan, who's eyes are wide. He had covered his crotch - which was hilarious - after the formers threat. Hina chuckles, shaking his head. 

"I believe it's time you stepped up and took a tip from Jafar on how to talk to your crew." He teases, knocking his arm into Sin's shoulder. He walks back into the quarters, most likely to escape Jafar's wrath. 

As Sharrkan leaves with his tail between his legs, Sin steps up to Jafar. "I see you've handled things." He states, causing Jafar to glance over at him. 

"Ah, the Captian is finally in tip-top shape, huh?" He says with a smirk, placing a hand on his hip. "No more daydreaming, are you?" 

Sinbad rolls his eyes, crossing his eyes and mimicking Jafar's smirk. "Just what happened while I was out?" 

"Nothing to note, other than the whimpers. Fascinating how a human can sound like a dog crying for food." Jafar keeps teasing, making a tear gesture on his cheek. "That's beside the point, however. Now that you're up, you can tell us what to do. So, Captain, be a Captain and lead." 

Sin decides to ignore the comment about him sounding like a dog, for now. Jafar was right. He needed to lead his crew for once since he was out for a week. He clears his throat. 

"Set course to the port." He calls up to Mystras, who currently was at the wheel. "The Parteivan soldiers are bound to try to stop us once we reach there, but I'm counting that they aren't." 

"So, our lives are set on a whim?" Jafar retorts with a frown, crossing his arms. "I've only been a part of your crew, what, two weeks, and I'm already going to die." He rolls his eyes, although his smile gives him away that he's, in fact, not scared. "You're correct. Ceylan is one to do anything to get his 'property' back." 

Sin HATES how Jafar refers to himself as property, despite him knowing that Jafar only meant it in the way Ceylan sees him. It's still so wrong, in so many ways. No one should be of anyone else's property. 

"Don't sell yourself short, Jafar." He states firmly. "You're no longer bound to that man." 

"Perhaps, but he still holds the means to bound me and others. We must be tactical." Jafar returns the firm statements. "Despite the amount of force he is willing to use to get me back, he has many associates. One of which, I know, will try to convince him to go stealth first. Hense, why I predict an assassin will be tracking us once we get to port." 

"Smart." Sin grins, placing his hand under his chin, rubbing the small hairs on it. "That assassin will come directly for you, most likely at night."

Jafar nods.

"Do you think you'd need help?" 

There's a pause, and Jafar only sighs. 

"There's many assassins under Ceylan's disposal. It's impossible to tell which he will send. He could send one, 2, or even 100. It's best if I have..." He shudders. "Company." 

Sin notices Jafar's shudder but decides to not comment on it. He doesn't know what exactly happened to him while he was with Ceylan, but he knows it wasn't... well. 

"Well, I will company you, then." He tells Jafar with a smile.

"If you come into the room drunk, I will end your miserable life." 

"Whaaaaat? I'd never."



Chapter 6 preview:

"You taste like flowers." 

"And you taste like ale, but do I comment? No." 

HELLO FRIENDS! UH. I'm... back. For once. I'm actually back? Like, WOW. 

Want to give a big thanks to no one other than myself for finally sitting down and writing this.

Also, guys, I'm graduating next year. Save me.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 20 ⏰

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