Into Death's Den (Reader POV)

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I ended up leaving Tsubaki at the infirmary for the night, and I headed home. However, home happened to be Kid's home too. Which meant being with him, probably alone. That scared me. He scared me. And what bothered me most about that was the fact that he was breaking a promise to me.

Kid promised that he wouldn't hurt me.

And he did. He may not know it, but he did.

However, that still didn't give me an answer on where to go for the night. After he first asked me out I went to a friend's apartment, but I couldn't do that this time.

I didn't know what to do. I needed to get some sleep, in a bed. But at the same time should I really be around Kid? Did I really have a choice in it even? No matter what he would still find me. He'd still find a way to force himself into my life. Would he do anything to me? No. But he still scared me. This wasn't the Kid I had known for so long, he was different.

I slowed down, to a pace even a dead person could beat. Maybe if I stalled enough I could come up with a plan. Something, anything, that would keep me away from Kid.

But despite thinking as hard as I could and avoiding going home for at least an hour, I still ended up in front of those same gates I had stood in front of my first night in Death City.

I could remember it well. I was sent to the DWMA by my parents who had discovered my demon weapon abilities, but in the rush I was left without a place to stay. So Kid had graciously offered a spare room in his house.

And that night was the night Kid fell in love with me.

If only I had fallen in love with him too.

I thought I had, I really did. But I was wrong. Or at least, Tsubaki made me think I was wrong.

What if Kid was right? What if we really were meant to be, what if I really did love him back, what if other people were just standing in our way?


Even if all those thoughts were right, it didn't matter. Kid has done too much to go back. After all of this, how could I ever love him?

The kitchen light was on. Probably just Patty having a late night snack. Kid was likely already in bed. That gave me just enough courage to walk through the gates and up to the door.

With one final calming breath, I walked into the Gallows.

His Burning Flame (yandere!DeaththeKidxreader)Where stories live. Discover now