As the mysterious trainer stood alone in the shadows, their mind filled with a sinister determination. Their inner monologue echoed with thoughts of an intense desire to bring about Mayu's downfall, to ensure she would never be seen in the daylight again. The words whispered through their mind, consumed by a dark obsession.

"I want her obliterated, erased from existence," the trainer thought, their voice tinged with a chilling intensity. "Mayu's light must be extinguished, for her very presence threatens the darkness that I seek to cultivate."

Their thoughts swirled with a mix of bitterness, resentment, and an insatiable hunger for revenge. They had harbored a grudge, fueled by personal strife, that had twisted their perception of Mayu into something vile and abhorrent.

"The darkness within her must be exposed and exploited," they whispered to themselves, their voice a sinister hiss. "Only then will she truly understand the depths of her own despair."

Their eyes gleamed with a malevolent glint as they plotted their next move. Every action, every plan, was driven by the burning desire to see Mayu fall, to witness her suffer and be forever banished from the light.

"I will shroud her in darkness," they vowed, their words laced with an unsettling determination. "No ray of hope will penetrate the depths of her despair. Mayu shall be a mere memory, forever lost in the annals of darkness."

As Mayu, Raiden, and Ren journeyed towards Indigo Plateau, a sense of anticipation and determination filled the air. They knew that ahead of them lay a series of intense battles against the very best trainers in the region. Each step brought them closer to the culmination of their journey, where they would test their skills and push themselves to the limit.

Indigo Plateau stood tall in the distance, its imposing presence a symbol of the battles and triumphs that awaited them. As they approached the prestigious location, their hearts beat with a mix of excitement and nervousness. This was the pinnacle of their training, the ultimate test of their abilities.

Ren called out to Raiden and asked him about the background information on what Team Rocket has especially regarding the genetic warrior."I don't really know... But they needed me to control it...",he said as he stood there for a while. "I just hope it doesn't end up being a trouble in the future.",Mayu said and moved down. "Mayu, there's something I have to ask.", Raiden said to which Mayu turned her attention to him. "When I was with Team Rocket, there was this mysterious trainer in cahoots with Giovanni. He wanted you destroyed. He said that he came back from hell for you. And you suddenly said that if you go to the dark side, you want me to save you. Team Rocket has their eye on you as well. They said that you hold some rather great power yourself and you have kept things hidden from us.Care to explain?"

Mayu's gaze turned cold, and a smirk played at the corners of her lips. Her eyes glimmered with a mix of darkness and power, as she prepared to reveal her true self to Raiden. The room fell silent, the weight of her words hanging in the air.

"You seek answers, do you not? You wish to unravel the mystery that surrounds me, to understand the depths of my power," Mayu began, her voice dripping with a sinister charm. "You see, my dear friend, power is a double-edged sword. It can consume the weak-willed, driving them to madness and destruction. But for those who embrace it, who understand its true nature, power becomes a tool, a means to shape the world as they see fit."

She took a step closer to Raiden, her presence radiating a palpable aura of darkness. "Yes, I have secrets, hidden depths that even you, Raiden, have yet to fathom. The power that resides within me is not a mere coincidence. It is a force that has been awakened, a force that I have honed and molded in the shadows."

A twisted smile played on her lips as she continued, her voice low and seductive. "You see, Raiden, I have walked the path of darkness, embracing its allure and wielding its power. I have tasted the forbidden fruits of chaos, and I have reveled in the chaos that consumes those who dare to defy it."

She moved even closer, her eyes locking onto Raiden's with an intensity that sent shivers down his spine. "But fear not, dear Raiden, for you hold a special place in my heart. You have shown me kindness, compassion, and a loyalty that I have rarely encountered. Should you ever fall into the abyss, I will be there to save you, to pull you back from the darkness that threatens to consume you."

Mayu's voice grew softer, a hint of vulnerability seeping through her words. "I am not your enemy, Raiden. I am a force to be reckoned with, a tempest that walks the line between light and darkness. And together, we shall forge a destiny that will shake the very foundations of this world."

Mayu turned to face Raiden, a flicker of emotion crossing her eyes. She took a moment, contemplating her response before speaking.

"Revenge... it is a powerful motivator, isn't it?" Mayu's voice held a hint of bitterness, as if the very word brought back painful memories. "Yes, there was a time when revenge fueled my every thought and action. It consumed me, driving me to seek power and control."

Her gaze hardened, and her voice grew colder. "But revenge alone is a hollow pursuit. It offers no solace, no true satisfaction. I have learned that the path to true power lies not in seeking retribution, but in understanding oneself and the world around us."

Mayu's expression softened slightly, revealing a touch of vulnerability. "Becoming a Pokémon Trainer, Raiden, was not solely about revenge for me. It was a journey of self-discovery, a means to find purpose and meaning amidst the chaos that once consumed me. Through my bond with my Pokémon, I have learned compassion, resilience, and the strength to rise above the darkness that threatened to consume me."

A faint smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "Revenge may have been my initial motivation, but it has evolved into something greater. I seek not only personal vindication but also the power to protect those I hold dear, to shape a world where darkness and light coexist in harmony."

She paused, her eyes locking with Raiden's once more. "Raiden, my friend, let go of the notion of revenge. Embrace the path of self-discovery, of growth, and find your own purpose. Together, let us forge a new destiny, one that transcends the confines of vengeance and leads us towards a future of our own making."

•RE-ADVENTURES• | Pokemon X OC Story |Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora