He Can't Know. - Chapter 1

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A/N In this story there is a LOT of SH talk and other possibly triggering stuff. I will try and warn you but If you don't do well with this stuff they maybe don't read.

Lucy's POV
I had just got home from my shift, I felt absolutely horrible. I can't believe I let a jumper jump, they are now dead. I threw my duffle bag down on Tim and I's bed and closed the bedroom door sliding down it with my head in my hands. Sobbing as I watched a flashback of him jumping and hitting the ground.

TW, Next bold word will be ok for you to read again if your skipping.

After a while I crawled onto the bed and reached into the box on top of my night stand. Out came a blade, I sat there with it for a second before carefully but surely cutting my arms. I was sitting there with a bunch of new cuts, sobbing harder now. I thought to myself. 'Thankfully Tamara started living on her college campus and Tim is working late..' I panicked looking at the time. Tim should be home soon I quickly shoved the blade away and got in the shower as that will be the easiest way to clean all the blood. He can't know, 

Tim's POV
I unlocked the door to my and Lucy's house. Even though we have only been dating for about a year we already moved in with each other because we already knew each other super well and we slept over like every night so it was just practical. I heard the shower on, I figured Lucy just didn't have a shower at work. I went into our room and saw her bag on our bed still packed, this was unusual, it was 9 PM so she should have had lots of time to unpack, I shrugged it off and unpacked it for her. Just as I was finishing unpacking her duffle, she came out of the ensuite with one of my long sleeve shirts on and some shorts you couldn't see as the shirt was too long. I looked at her admiring how cute she looked in my shirt. She suddenly rammed into me with a tight hug, I just hugged her tightly back. After a second I felt my shirt starting to get wet I heard her small sniffles. "Hard day Luce?" I asked sympathetically. I felt her head slightly nod against my chest. "Do you want to talk about it?" I asked hoping she will talk to me.

Lucy's POV

I paused for a second thinking if I should tell him about it all or just the jumper, just as I decided I hear a soft "Luce?" Tim sounded worried. I nodded my head releasing from the long tight hug and walked out to the lounge room and jumped onto the couch, followed by Tim plopping down next to me. I took in a big breath "At work today I had a jumper.. I saw it.. all." I stopped talking to sob into my hands. I felt warm muscular arms pull me closer to Tim and he hugged me. "It's not your fault. You couldn't help them." He said trying to comfort me, he gave me a kiss on my head as I cried. That night was a long night. 

He Can't Know. - A Chenford story.Where stories live. Discover now